
Trump suggests general election could be ‘rigged’

In the opinion of the Republican presidential nominee “we’re not playing on a level playing field”. After, 58 percent of people who plan to vote for Clinton say they are doing that because they support her, versus 41 percent who simply want to oppose her opponent.


“I’m afraid the election is going to be rigged, I have to be honest”, he told the crowd. Clinton now leads Trump by 4 points – 42 percent to 38 percent – in the four-way race.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said on Monday that there were chances that the upcoming United States general elections are “rigged”. “So, to the extent they’re both moving around right now, I think we’re likely to see them and their vice-presidents”.

Trump made the claim after first suggesting that the Democrats had fixed their primary system so Hillary Clinton could defeat Bernie Sanders.

The clip begins when a distressed Marge decides she can’t make love until she decides who she’ll vote for in the upcoming election, which means the same goes for Homer.

‘She’s the devil. He’s made a deal with the devil.

Clinton struck a chord with women, minorities and independents, which was a big part of her boost in the polls, experts said. Two-thirds (66%) said Trump’s children should not have a role on policy matters if Trump wins the election, and 57% said Bill and Chelsea Clinton should not be working on policy matters should Hillary Clinton win the presidency.

Khan, the father of a Muslim-American Army captain slain in Iraq in 2004, repudiated Trump and paid tribute to his son in the Thursday night speech.

It came on the heels of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia and a cross-state bus tour by Clinton.

Trump’s running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, was questioned at a Nevada event by a military mother who asked whether he would confront Trump over the “disrespect” Trump has shown to veterans and Khzir and Ghazala Khan, the parents of Capt. Humayun Khan. She raised $8.7 million online that day, the campaign says. She had led Trump by 5 percentage points in RABA Research’s poll just after the RNC, meaning that she got a 10-point bounce.

Mrs Clinton’s advantage over the Republican Trump is 46 per cent to 39 per cent, according to the CBS News poll.

The campaign detailed financial contributions the Clinton Foundation received from a cement-making company called Lafarge.The same statement cited reporting in French media outlets that the company had entered deals with the Islamic State and other armed groups in Syria to protect its interests there.

And, again, even more good news for Clinton.


The hack itself is seen as a bigger problem whether voters say they think Russian Federation is attempting to influence the election or not. “And I think that’s wrong”.

The Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia