
Trump Suggests Starbucks Boycott, Promises America Will All Be Saying ‘Merry

In 2015, the company chose to take a minimalist approach- a predominantly red design.


Many critics – including Christians – have since dismissed his claims as silly, noting that Starbucks sells a Christmas blend of coffee as well as advent calendars.

The real estate mogul was referring to the controversy over Starbucks’ decision to simplify their red holiday cups, which a few evangelical Christians say is part of the “war against Christmas”. McCafe has even gone as far as to creating purple holiday cups featuring snowmen in past years.

Something tells me God will be able to do a lot more with that than He can a red cup with a reindeer design on it. Feuerstein said in his Facebook video. It is to be noted hat he was carrying a gun. He ordered his preferred brew and told the on-duty barista that “Merry Christmas” was his name.

In March, Starbucks asked baristas to write “Race Together” on customers’ cups to spark conversation about race.

NY (AP) – It’s as red as Santa’s suit, a poinsettia or your neighbor’s ugly Christmas sweater.

Outrage is Donald Trump’s specialty, and he is not too proud to piggyback on other people’s outrage about, say, seasonal Starbucks cups. A small number of critics have objected to the design choice, seeing it as part of a larger movement away from exclusively Christian-themed holiday decorations. “This year we wanted to usher in the holidays with a purity of design that welcomes all of our stories”, Jeffrey Fields, Starbucks’ vice president of design and content, said in a statement.

Starbucks commented that they have red cups as a blank canvas for customers to put their own doodles and added that they will continue to embrace and welcome customers from all backgrounds and religions in their stores around the world. Feuerstein responded saying his audio wasn’t working and he couldn’t hear Dominick. “I care about what they do for working people, and they’re doing the right thing by them”.

“No more “Merry Christmas” at Starbucks”, Trump told a booing crowd in IL at the Monday night rally.

Trump said if he becomes president, “we’re all going to be saying Merry Christmas again”.


The internet has responded with fury on both sides of the argument. Or maybe he’s just more of a Dunkin’ Donuts kind of guy?

Donald Trump the headline-grabbing Republican presidential candidate has called for a boycott of Starbucks after they failed to print the words “Merry Christmas” on their festive red coffee cups