
Trump supporters feel worse off than Clinton fans

Clinton supporters are now lining up (figuratively) for a chance to be similarly assessed by the newly minted Republican presidential nominee.


A New Hampshire state representative who advises Donald Trump on veterans’ issues called Tuesday for Hillary Clinton to be “put in the firing line and shot for treason” for her handling of the Benghazi terror attack.

Secret Service spokesman Robert Hoback told AFP that the department “is aware of this matter and will conduct the appropriate investigation”. I want to make sure that when I go to college, that I can focus on my academics, and not fear how I’ll pay off my towering student debt. “If you feel that way, keep that to yourself”.

“We are going to defeat the barbarians of ISIS and we are going to defeat them fast”.

“These largely negative views of the candidates come despite heavy Clinton campaign advertising in OH leading up to the Republican Convention and Trump’s efforts to humanize his candidacy with multiple primetime speeches from family members”, said David Paleologos, director of the Suffolk University Political Research Center in Boston.

Jennifer Horn, chair of the state Republican Party, quickly denounced Baldasaro’s comments, calling them “appalling”. Prominent New Hampshire Republicans from U.S. Sen.

Host Jeff Kuhner asked if Baldasaro thought Clinton bore responsibility for those who died in the 2012 terrorist attack on a US compound in Benghazi, Libya. America is far less safe and the world is far less stable than when Obama made the decision to put Hillary Clinton in charge of America’s foreign policy. “There’s been infidelity. What Trump said seems like small potatoes in comparison”, said Jackman, an alternate delegate from Amarillo, Texas.

With Trump and Clinton now becoming the official nominees, they’ll be able to make use not only of their campaign funds but also much of the money raised by their respective parties. He’s up for re-election again this November.

Eventually, Baldasaro said that Clinton must pay the ultimate price.

Reviewing Clinton’s record, Trump said in 2009, ISIS was not even on the map and the situation across the Middle East was stable.


Earlier this year, Baldasaro was at the center of a fiery legislative debate over whether women should be able to expose their breasts in public.

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