
Trump supporters shrug off the fuss over Muslim travel ban

The majority of Americans “balk” at Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s proposal to ban all Muslims from entering the Untied Sates, a new Monmouth University poll released Tuesday found.


Former Vice President Dick Cheney said that Trump’s proposal to ban “a whole religion goes against everything we stand for and believe in”. Republican presidential contender Donald Trump said on December 7 that he is in favour of a “total and complete” shutdown of Muslims entering the US. “We would be harkened back to a time of discriminatory policy akin to policy advocating Japanese Internment during World War II or the Chinese Exclusion Act during the 1880s”.

Earlier this week, a handle claiming to be “Anonymous Operations” posted a video on YouTube with the message: “The more the United States appears to be targeting Muslims, not just radical Muslims, you can be sure that ISIS will be putting that on their social media campaign”.

If I were in Priebus’s shoes, I would call Trump’s bluff and see if the schoolyard bully really takes his football home to start another team.

“Not a single Republican candidate, not one, clearly and consistently supports a real path to citizenship”, she said.

“Maybe he should have been roughed up because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing”, Trump said on Fox News following the incident, less than 24 hours after his campaign said it “does not condone” the physical altercation.

On the first point, it is clear that the courts have given Congress and the president broad discretion on immigration issues.

“I have many friends that are Muslims, and I will tell you, they are so happy that I did this because they know they have a problem”, Trump told CNN in an interview that aired Sunday on “State of the Union”.

According to the National Immigration Integration Conference, Clinton was invited to speak along with every presidential candidate. “They feel that they’re losing their voice”, Huffmon said.


This is a slightly amended position from what Clinton has advocated recently. He says Trump supporters are concerned about the security of the United States and feel that they don’t have a voice. Even with the carnage of the 9/11 attacks and the much lesser death toll of the San Bernardino shootings, the West has killed many more Middle Eastern Muslims for dubious reasons than vice versa. Finally, she proposed expanding fee waivers for those seeking USA citizenship.

Who wins in a race between Trump and Clinton