
Trump surges, Deez Nuts polls at 9 percent in NC, survey says

However, it’s another “candidate” who is making headlines today.


It is unknown who is Deez Nuts, the independent candidate registered with the FEC in July and lists his address being in Wallingford, Iowa – a town of 197 according to the last census. No polling firms have devoted much time to find out what voters think of the many other dozens of presidential candidates running this year, including independent Sydneys Voluptuous Buttocks, Crawfish B. Crawfish, and Democratic cats Limberbutt McCubbins and Buddy the Cat. But when compared to the two main political parties’ frontrunners, he’s polling at 9 percent.

For example, Trump has a 3-point lead against Clinton (45-42), but that drops to 40-38 when Deez Nuts is introduced into the equation. And his campaign is only growing as “Deez Nuts” became a trending topic on Twitter Wednesday.

But the new polling data also reveals that a challenger has emerged. That would explain why a Buffalo student named George Boria was able to register “Sydneys Voluptuous Buttocks” for the 2016 race.

The good folks at the liberal-tilting, Raleigh-based Public Policy Polling are out with another presidential survey this morning. He’s now at 24% to 14% for Ben Carson, 13% for Jeb Bush, 10% for Ted Cruz, 9% for Marco Rubio, and 6% each for Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, and Scott Walker. In a hypothetical head to head match up with Hillary Clinton, in the swing state of North Carolina, Trump leads 45-42.


The survey conducted August. 12-16 included 406 Republican primary voters, with a margin of error of plus or minus 4.9 percent for that group.

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