
Trump Surges in NBC News-SurveyMonkey Poll

Reuters asked respondents of all parties which candidate would be best suited to handle terrorism – and Trump came out narrowly on top here with 22 percent, followed by Hillary Clinton at 21 percent, Bernie Sanders 10 percent, and no other candidate in the double digits.


“I’m a big fan of Donald Trump’s, but I’m not a fan of government registries of Americans citizens”, he said when asked about Trump’s remarks on the need for a Muslim-tracking database. “And a few people are going to be upset about it, but I think that now everybody is feeling that security is going to rule”, he said. “Absolutely”, Trump replied. It is worth noting that Trump did not float either of these two ignominious, un-American proposals, but that he responded in the affirmative when they were suggested by both friendly and antagonistic media personalities. In September, he said he also would deport any Syrian refugees now in the U.S. Trump’s attorney threatened to sue the group late Thursday, as the candidate went on a tweet-storm attacking the sitting governor of OH for his ties to Wall Street and lackluster performance in the polls.

Trump has also been willing to try different issues to see what works and what doesn’t.

The NY Times noted that Trump walked back his comments on the registry for Muslims, but did not entirely distance himself from the idea. In this group Rubio and Cruz are now the insurgents, each seeing increased support across the board, including 9-point improvements for Cruz in Iowa and for Rubio in SC compared to YouGov’s October survey.

Handling ISIS has become a litmus test for candidates: at least two-thirds of Republicans in Iowa, New Hampshire and SC all say a candidate must agree with them on this topic in order to win their vote. That certainly puts an interesting spin on the conventional wisdom that Trump is alienating Hispanics.

“So here’s the story just to set it clear: I want surveillance of these people. And I’m not interested in throwing rocks at either one of them”. “Democrats and Republicans get along reasonably well, well as they ever have, I mean, we’re adversaries but in terms of the hatred and high emotions – that’s the battle within the Republican family they have not yet sorted out”. The question’s margin of error – plus-or-minus 4.5 percent – essentially makes it a dead-heat for the second position.

Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton, at a Tennessee rally Friday evening, said, “Mr. Trump has attacked Mexican immigrants, he’s attacked women and now he’s attacking Muslim Americans”.

That’s a weakness for Trump among conservatives, Burbank said, especially in Utah.

A sizable percentage of GOP primary voters in all three early states said their decision as to who to support was at least somewhat affected by the Paris attacks. It is just beyond one’s imagination; these are people too risky to be let on airplanes but Congress won’t stop them from getting guns.


The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) condemned controversial statements made by Republican candidates Donald Trump and Ben Carson Thursday about U.S. Muslims and Syrian refugees. “And so we’re going to have to do certain things that were frankly unthinkable a year ago”.

Donald Trump announcing that he's running for president