
Trump Targets Terrorism In New Campaign Speech

Some don’t share this goal.


“We’re at war. We’ve been invaded, in my opinion, when you see the rise of homegrown terrorism through the Internet”, said Perdue, invoking some of the Republican concerns about vetting refugees from Syria that became a flashpoint in the presidential race.

Mrs Clinton then herself tweeted: “Donald Trump says he’ll create a new test for immigrants”. In doing so, Trump acknowledged having previously described North Atlantic Treaty Organisation as “obsolete” for not dealing adequately with terrorism.

Trump’s speech roundly condemned “the hateful ideology of radical Islam” and said its “oppression of women, gays, children, and nonbelievers [must not] be allowed to reside or spread within our own countries”. Members of ISIS or any other extremist group would likely be trained to say the right things to avoid suspicion, and as long as they gave the answers USA officials wanted to hear and passed background checks, what else is there to stop them?

“The nuclear deal puts Iran, the No. 1 state sponsor of radical Islamic terrorism, on a path to nuclear weapons”, he said.

“Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, in what was billed as a major foreign policy address, on Monday backed off past threats to withdraw from the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation alliance – saying that if he’s elected, the US will work with the 28-member bloc to defeat the Islamic State”. Extreme vetting. Our country has enough problems.

Re: “Donald Trump calls for “extreme vetting” of immigration applicants,” August 15 news story.

“Immigrants, or children or grandchildren of immigrants, also hold similar views to the entire electorate on Trump’s proposal to temporarily ban entry to the USA from people residing in countries with a history of terrorism”.

Trump also proposed an “extreme vetting process” for new immigrants to prevent entry of radicalised ones into the US.

“Those who do not believe in our constitution or who support bigotry and hatred will not be admitted for immigration into our country”.

As soon as he finished his remarks, Trump’s critics pointed to falsehoods, contradictions and doubts that his approach would have any meaningful impact on the bloody maelstrom in the Middle East.

“As president, I will call for an global conference focused on this goal”, he said. Earlier this summer the Federal Bureau of Investigation said that Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server was not criminal but was “extremely careless”.

He vowed to work “very closely” with Nato, sidestepping previous criticism of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. “Wouldn’t that be a good thing?”, he said.

“In the Cold War, we had an ideological screening test”, Trump said on Monday. “He has been, from day one, outlining different proposals he has had to make America safe, to make us more secure and to avoid this existential threat ISIS (is) posing for us”. The U.S. would stop issuing visas in any case where it can not perform adequate screenings.

Addressing a select crowd at Youngstown State University in OH, the billionaire property developer pitched himself as the only Presidential candidate capable of taking on “Islamic terrorism”, and keeping out those who favor “bigotry and hatred”.


As he has in the past, Trump said that finding “common ground” and partnering with Russian Federation against IS would be a “good thing” and an important step toward defeating the Islamic militants.

Trump Says He Would Ally With Russia in Anti-ISIS Campaign