
Trump Tells Jewish GOP Donors: “I’m a Negotiator Like You Folks”

“The Adelsons are generally pleased with all of the Republican candidates and feel that the primary process will work its way out”, he said. You’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money.


He went on: “You’re not going to support me even though I’m the best thing that will ever happen to Israel”, and explained that Jewish voters “want to control” their politicians through the donations they give them. “They may not be, and I understand that, and I’m OK with that”. “But a lasting deal, a real deal – not a phony deal that’s going to last a week and then bad things start happening again….”

“If I win, I will let you know 6 months from the time I take office”, he added.

Ted Cruz, R-Texas listens as he is introduced prior to speaking at the Republican Jewish Coalition Presidential Forum in Washington, Thursday, Dec. 3, 2015.

Trump was later booed for refusing to answer a question about where Jerusalem would fit into an eventual Trump peace deal between the Israeli government and the Palestinian people.

Ben Carson showed his lack of foreign policy experience in precisely the speech experts said he needed to stave off criticisms about his weak spot.

“I don’t know that Israel has the commitment to make it, and I don’t know the other side has the commitment to make it”, Trump said. “Because so much death, so much turmoil, so much hatred, that would be to me a great achievement”. “Is there anybody that doesn’t renegotiate deals in this room?”

“I want to wait until I meet with Bibi”, he said, referring to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. You’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money. They critiqued as a danger to Israel the deal the Obama administration and other powers negotiated with Iran this summer. Is he unaware that the Palestinians still have not accepted the right of Israel even to exist?

Donald Trump is soon going to run out of minority groups he can offend. “When you’re a leader, you need to be blunt and direct but you need to know where the line is”.

“I believe that I can put both sides together but it will take six months”, he said, speaking of his ability to reach a peace accord in the region should he be elected president. “Because stupidly, you want to give money”, he said.

The AP made a point of mentioning that “numerous U.S. presidents in both parties have tried to broker a peace accord without success”.

On the eve of the event, Trump weighed in on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in an interview with The Associated Press.

“I’m leading in every single poll in every single state, in every single national poll”, he said.

He appeared to make a further crass stereotype about Jews by alluding to his personal wealth and public refusal to accept money from party donors. He talked about his long support of Israel.

Billionaire businessman Donald Trump told the audience, “I’m a negotiator like you folks, we are negotiators”.

The Republican presidential candidates have had a grand ole’ time pandering awkwardly to Jewish GOP donors at the Republican Jewish Coalition forum today in Washington, D.C.-and none more than Donald Trump, the shriveled pinto bean you had to pluck out of your Chipotle burrito basket, who was introduced as “a mensch with chutzpah”.

Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey insisted, “Everyplace in America is a target”, adding, “We need to come to grips with the idea that we are in the midst of the next world war”.

The extent of Cruz’s popularity among this audience is perhaps surprising given he has opposed foreign policy positions supported by many in the hawkish pro-Israel community.


Earlier, Trump quipped that the audience likes him because his daughter, Ivanka Trump, is Jewish, the Miami Herald reported.

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