
Trump the Lone Holdout as Pence Releases Tax Returns

Mr Pence, the IN governor and a former US House member and radio host, is often dispatched to reassure conservatives about the man at the top of the ticket seeking elected office for the first time and riling many Republicans along the way.


Republican White House hopeful Donald Trump’s running mate released 10 years of tax returns on Friday, but his billionaire boss still refuses to do so, leading critics to cry foul over his lack of transparency.

On average, the Pence family gave 10 percent of their take-home income to charity.

“I promise you this”, Pence said over the applause of supporters, “Donald Trump will never forget or fail to stand with the men and women of our law enforcement”. Their effective state and federal tax rate ranged from a high of 16.4 percent in 2014 to a low of 10.39 per cent a year earlier.

“That effective rate is typical for the income category”, said tax lawyer Steve Rosenthal, a senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center.

According to the tax returns published on the Trump/Pence campaign website, the IN governor paid a 12.4 percent tax rate on a family income of just over $113,000 IN 2015. A Pence spokesman says Trump won’t release his until after “a routine audit”.

The Trump campaign used Pence’s tax release as an opportunity to juxtapose his lack of a multi-million dollar income with that of Bill and Hillary Clinton, who have racked up significant paydays in exchange for private speaking engagements.

The Indiana governor released tax returns that span the past decade Friday, showing his tax rate was between the 10 and 16 percent rate during that time.

Trump announced July 15 via Twitter that Pence would be his running mate. Mr Trump has said another condition under which he’d release the information is if Mrs Clinton released e-mails that were deleted from the private server she used as secretary of state, an arrangement that has emerged as one of her biggest political liabilities and one the Federal Bureau of Investigation director called careless. “But we won’t know until we see them”, Hillary for America Deputy Communications Director Christina Reynolds said in a statement. “And that’s going to change the day that Donald Trump becomes president”, Pence said in an interview with CNN.


Since joining the ticket, Pence has made jokes about his own net worth – especially when compared to Trump.

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