
Trump threatens to run as an independent if GOP is ‘not fair’

“I want to run as a Republican“. “I was their fair-haired boy”. Some have said you can call his office and not get any help. “Everywhere I go, hard-working patriotic Americans – not “crazies” or “wacko birds’ – ask me to pass on to Mr. Trump encouragement to keep educating the masses about true ramifications of illegal immigration, and in general the real state of our union”.


Graham did get plenty of phone calls and media attention after Trump gave out his number: The senator filmed a video in which he jammed his flip phone into a blender, melted it in a toaster and dropped it off a building.

“Give it a shot”, Trump said, urging people to call the state’s senior senator. Responding to him only emboldens him, several in the GOP acknowledged Tuesday.

“I respect the sentiments people feel when they hear Trump talk”. “Our country is in big trouble, and I know how to turn it around”.

Trump’s stunt is one of many that have helped him dominate political news since announcing his candidacy on June 16.

He’s questioned U.S. Sen.

He flew into the border town of Laredo on Thursday in his private jet airliner emblazoned with his name, protecting himself from the harsh sunshine by wearing a white baseball hat with his slogan “Make America Great Again”. “The sad truth is if you look at many of their policies, it can be hard to tell the difference”.

He said: “A lot of people are very excited I’m going the border”. Even if they don’t want to be, they’re really honest. He also refused to outline exactly what proof he had that Mexico was funneling criminals over the border, saying only, “We’ll be showing you the evidence”.

The 800-acre Trump National Doral, home to four golf courses, including the famous Blue Monster, brought The Donald a handsome $49,444,432 in 2014, according to a 92-page financial disclosure form he filed with the Federal Election Commission, which made the document public Wednesday.

Trump reported that he delivered seven paid speeches in the past year, pocketing $1.75 million in fees. Even many non-Trump supporters doubted the latest controversy would hurt his appeal among a slice of the electorate that is deeply frustrated with the Washington establishment and finds his unvarnished persona refreshing. “That’s not what we need”.

“I’m the only one that speaks their language”, Trump said of the border patrol agents in an interview with CNN earlier this month. The real-estate mogul told Cooper that he should instead be asking about the national polls that show him leading the Republican presidential primary.


Perry responded with a statement of his own, saying he hopes Trump will “apologize for ridiculing the selfless work of the men and women” who help protect the border.

Fact check: Trump's McCain attack