
Trump Threatens to Sue Cruz in Response to ‘Lies’

Bush’s high-profile return to the stump on Monday night also meant a dip back into the campaign TV spotlight. “I just don’t know if has the fire in him that his brother had”.


Jeb Bush vowed he could put Republicans back in the White House for the first time in eight years.

But Bush told the crowd that “the presidency is a serious job that requires sound judgment and good ideas” – an apparent reference to Trump, whose campaign has been criticized for being heavy on insults and light on policy details.

“I think he’s a master at manipulation and I find it amusing at one level that he constantly attacks me”.

“He was born in Canada, lived there for years, and then under that period… you know, you take a look at this”, Trump said, adding later, “When you talk about a natural born citizen, according to many great lawyers, I’ve been looking at very strongly over the last week”.

Rather than gloss over 9/11, Bush leaned in.

He said, “I am the strongest on the borders and I will build a wall, and it will be a real wall”.

The Quinnipiac poll showed just over half of Republicans have settled on a candidate and 45 percent may still change their minds.

Last week, he praised his brother’s abilities in a radio advert, and Jeb Bush will hope his personal appearance will bring dividends on polling day. The 43rd president left office deeply unpopular with a nation tired by the Iraq War and angry over his botched response to Hurricane Katrina.

George W. Bush also invoked the 2007 Iraq surge, during which the USA pushed more troops into the country to defeat a growing terrorist insurgency, which included Al Qaeda in Iraq, the predecessor to ISIS (also known as the Islamic State, ISIL, or Daesh).

As the third major contest in the primary campaign, SC is accustomed to settling divergent results in Iowa and New Hampshire, with the victor here emerging as the nominee in each presidential cycle from 1980 to 2008.

“I’ve written two books, which surprised a lot of people”, he said to laughter.

The frontrunner for the Republican nomination also accused George W. Bush of having lied to the American people in the run-up to the 2003 Iraq War.

Pete and Tisha Petersen were among the Bush family fans who attended Monday’s rally.

In his fight against the RNC, Trump said he is upset that tickets to GOP presidential debates, including one held Saturday in Greenville, have gone to what he calls special interests and big donors.

JEB BUSH: I’m so honored that my brother’s here.


Right to Rise spokesman Paul Lindsay cast the moves as a “delay” in spending that “will give us the opportunity to prioritize following SC”. He retreated to his home state of Texas, where he picked up painting and delved into work on his presidential library, public health projects in Africa, and events for wounded military service members. On President Barack Obama’s record following George W. Bush’s administration, he said, “The world has been torn asunder”.

Trump threatens to sue Cruz unless his GOP rival apologizes