
Trump to aim all guns at Hillary Clinton

CCTV America’s Jessica Stone reports on what global leaders have said about Trump.


Based on 13 per cent of precincts reporting, the billionaire frontrunner took 53.8 per cent of the vote, streets ahead of his nearest rival Ted Cruz on 33.9 and John Kasich on 9.4 per cent.

U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan told CNN on Thursday he was not ready to support the campaign of presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump. Trump will officially become the party’s nominee in July at the party’s convention in Cleveland.

OH and Pennsylvania both went to Barack Obama in the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections and would prove critical to the GOP’s chances of success were the party to somehow make it a close general election contest.

Despite being a popular governor, Kasich only won his home state.

Later in the hour, Domenech and Lewis discussed the courses of the last year’s campaigns, and what has surfaced as what conservatives really care about.

Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson said on MSNBC that Mr Trump believes more Republicans will support him when they consider the possibility of Hillary Clinton, favourite to be the Democratic nominee, being elected president.

Clinton was more trusted than Trump on terrorism, immigration, foreign policy, education, health care, and climate change. “We’re going to get people together”, he said. Critics said she could have jeopardized US national security, and a US Justice Department investigation over the issue is ongoing.

For a campaign expected to cost more than $1 billion, “I’ll be putting up money, but won’t be completely self-funding, as I did during the primaries”, Trump said Wednesday.

After Senator Ted Cruz and Ohio Governor John Kasich dropped out of the race after Trump’s big win in Indiana Tuesday, Trump is the last Republican candidate standing in a primary season that started with a dozen candidates.

His likely opponent will be Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, who lost the IN primary to Bernie Sanders.


“I am confident that I can unite much of it, some of it I don’t want”, Mr Trump said on NBC’s Today show.

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