
Trump to announce VP pick Friday morning in NYC

During this time, Trump has also consulted with both Roger Ailes, the chairman and CEO of Fox News, and Rupert Murdoch, the 21st Century Fox executive co-chairman. Fox News may have dropped a hint today when it chose to suspend Gingrich’s contributor agreement with the network based on “media speculation” that Newt could be the pick.


Newt Gingrich is now an adviser and potential running mate to Donald Trump, but Trump hasn’t always thought so highly of the former House Speaker.

Christie, a former presidential candidate who became one of the first “establishment Republicans” to endorse Trump, has been advising the NY businessman on the running mate selection, but is also considered a contender himself.

Republicans close to the campaign said they believed Trump had narrowed his short list to Pence, Gingrich and Christie. The enthusiasm Gingrich generated lingered into Trump’s rambling speech, interrupted several times by shouts of “Newt!” Earlier Thursday, the former House speaker told The Associated Press that he expects to hear from Trump shortly after 1 p.m. about whether he’s been chosen.

However, he said a pick like Gingrich would be Trump’s “double down” option, whereas Pence, who is well-liked by conservatives, could be a “strengthen the hand” option.

Trump is stumping with Pence in Indiana Tuesday night, the latest in a string of onstage tryouts for possible running mates after featuring Gingrich and Christie in recent days.

This video includes images from Getty Images and clips from C-SPAN, Donald J. Trump for President Inc.

Pence would be a good choice, because he’s “really good at reaching out on a personal basis to a lot of people, who, frankly, Trump may not be able to reach on his own”, he added.

We imagine that TV stations all around the country are going to be spending the next couple of weeks going berserk, mostly because of the Republican and Democratic National Conventions that are taking place over the coming weeks.

“I’m getting attacked from all sides”, Trump said.

The legal dispute reflects Trump’s efforts to aggressively protect the secrecy of his campaign’s inner workings.

Donald Trump’s campaign and party leaders seem poised to defeat GOP renegades trying to derail the billionaire’s presidential nomination.


Trump has said that he will make a potential VP choice by the end of the week.

Donald Trump campaign rally at the Sharonville Convention Center Cincinnati USA- 07 Jul 2016