
Trump to Black Congregation: ‘I Want to Fix Many Wrongs’

“Im here today to learn.”.


Donald Trump spoke directly to black voters in a Detroit church on Saturday, and he brought with him a message of unity and a promise to work together with all Americans to “remedy injustice in any form” if he is elected in the upcoming November general election.

Trump’s visit to the church went without incident as he was warmly greeted by a singing and dancing congregation. “Now it’s a little different from a Presbyterian church!” Trump did sit front row during Saturday’s service at Greater Faith church next to Ben Carson and Carson’s wife, and Omarosa Manigault, his head of black outreach.

While protesters kept a vocal presence outside the house of worship, Trump made a pitch inside for support from an electorate strongly aligned with his opponent
Hillary Clinton.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s weekend foray into Detroit and strong appeal for support from black voters made waves in minority communities that have always been Democratic strongholds.

The candidate, who trails his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton by a significant margin in voter preference among minorities, said that African American churches are an important part of the country’s conscience and key to its civil rights movement.

Mr Nathan Liverman, 29, a Detroit small business owner said of Mr Trump’s message that “you could feel it was authentic, that it was to heart”. At one point, the protesters tried to push through a barrier to the auto park but were stopped by church security and police. I can’t really say that I’m a sold-out Trump supporter. I was immediately confronted and was told I needed a ticket. I will tell you, I’m going to get things done. “Anybody who is in this church should be appalled”. He said he wants a, quote, “new civil rights agenda”. “We have our dignity”, said protester Deborah Smith.

Trump promised that if he was elected president he would create more jobs for impoverished black communities. Trump ran a campaign through the nomination process of bigotry.”.

“He generalized the total black community”. The New York Times reported that Jackson submitted questions in advance, but it was not known whether the two men went off script. “The African-American faith community has been one of God’s greatest gifts to America and its people”, he added, according to CNN.

“At least he can have somebody he can talk to, somebody that is on his level as far as economically, that he can see that all a black people are not so impoverished or we need so much help, because some people have arrived and helped themselves”, she said.

Trump, who was at the church with former Republican presidential candidate Dr.

Trump is counting on appealing to enough white, working-class voters and disaffected Democrats to carry Ohio. Polls show Clinton with overwhelmingly more support from blacks and Hispanics.

It is time that people understand that it is an insult to Black voters (or any voters for that matter), if you ask them for their support, suggest that they not support others, but not give any reason why they should support you.


Detroit has the highest percentage of black residents – more than 80 percent – of any large American city. Almost 40% of residents are impoverished, compared with about 15% of Americans overall. Detroit’s median household income is just over $26,000 – not even half the median for the nation, according to the census.

Donald Trump Ben Carson