
Trump to campaign in Davenport

Over the past week or so, a belief has begun to gain real traction that the Republican Party “establishment” has warmed to the possibility of Donald Trump as its presidential nominee. Today, Trump leads the average by five points. For the GOP nomination, Trump is at 47% as of Monday on PredictWise; his nearest competitor, Sen. Rubio is at 14, Kasich 10 percent and Bush and Christie are at 7 percent.


When first and second choices are combined, Trump is named by 49 percent, Cruz by 39 percent and Rubio by 32 percent – well ahead of the others.

Clinton and Sanders are locked in a tight race with a week to go until the Iowa caucuses. Trump’s supporters appear more committed to him than do people backing other candidates. They’re seeking any edge over their opponents in a race brimming with unpredictability for both Democrats and Republicans.

That sounds a lot like Mr. Trump’s appeal-he’ll somehow get things done through sheer force of will-and there’s something disingenuous about Democrats denouncing something they had wished for not so long ago. Even among those groups, however, he remains at the head of the pack.

Earlier in the segment, Beck pointed out Trump’s so-called joke about being able to shoot someone in New York City as a reason why Trump “is a very risky man” and Cuomo shot back that Trump was merely “joking” before pivoting to Trump’s various tweets mocking and berating Beck.

The Democratic primary campaign has fewer variables since there now are only three candidates still in the race, and only two of them are viable.

“This is – Donald Trump is a progressive”.

His margin is smaller, though still significant, on handling foreign policy.

At a campaign rally at Farmington High School Monday night, the Republican presidential front-runner launched into a multi-pronged attack on the Texas senator, on everything from the Texas senator’s eligibility to be president and his ties to Wall Street banks. Their main value is to heal factional breeches, and it won’t be clear which faction would need the most placating by a Cruz or a Trump until the bloody mess of a primary battle it would take to nominate either one is over. “He can do that, that is his prerogative”, Cruz said. He is a distant third behind Trump and Cruz in SC.

“He tells lies”, he said. Cruz drops to 31 percent, with no one else in double digits.

Trump’s case for the presidency rests at least in part on his standing as a political outsider.

“Bye. Bye. Goodbye”, Trump told the protesters as they were escorted out of the rally.

Sen. Bernie Sanders has picked up support from a SC state lawmaker who previously endorsed Hillary Clinton. All six match-ups are close, with no one candidate leading another outside the margin of error of 3.5 percentage points for registered voters.

Rubio and Sanders produce a near-even split, 49 percent Sanders to 48 percent Rubio, while the Democratic senator hits 50 percent against either Trump or Cruz.

“If Donald wins Iowa, he right now has a substantial lead in New Hampshire, if he went on to win New Hampshire as well, there is a very good chance he could be unstoppable and be our nominee”, Cruz said in the recording.


BECK: But when you have a guy who is angry and then has an enemy’s list and starts just to take people down over and over and over again, if you disagree with him, he destroys you.