
Trump to deport illegal immigrants if elected

“When politicians talk about “immigration reform” they mean: amnesty, cheap labor and open borders”, Trump said. When asked what would happen to immigrants who do not have somewhere to return to, Trump responded, “They have to go”.


His plan would face significant obstacles, not the least of which is how to persuade Mexico to pay for a giant fence or securing a constitutional amendment that would require votes from two-thirds of the members of both houses of Congress and ratification by 3/4 of the nation’s state legislatures. “And some, I assume, are good people“.

Trump’s stance goes against the grain of recent US policy, and will likely raise concerns following Taoiseach Enda Kenny’s efforts to ease the plight of undocumented Irish people working in America with top US officials recently.

A day earlier, Trump said a tough deportation policy was needed because “there’s definitely evidence” of crimes linked to immigrants living in the country illegally.

Specifically, Trump proposes to raise pay requirements for H-1B beneficiaries and make sure employers try to hire American workers first, which they’re not now required to do.

He also said he opposes “birthright citizenship” – or a right to citizenship for any child born within a country’s borders, regardless of their parents’ legal status. I think they trust me.

Some of Trump’s previous statements on immigration – including ones in which he said Mexico was sending rapists and murderers to the U.S. – have resulted in criticism of the real estate mogul, but he insisted Saturday he’s made no mistakes during his campaign.

Trump also reiterated his promise to build a wall along the southwest border with Mexico and his demand that the Mexican government pay for it. “I’m a huge fan of the Mexican people, ” he said.

The billionaire businessman and reality TV presenter was vague on the details, and would not confirm where those with nowhere to go would be sent.

The largest single group, 24.4 percent, supported the most draconian option – closed borders and mass deportation – that is dismissed by every candidate in the race, including Trump.

Trump told The Washington Post on Friday he will unveil a series of position papers in September and that he consulted last month with Sen.

“In short, the Mexican government has taken the United States to the cleaners”, Trump writes.

But are Trump’s views on immigration as far out of the mainstream as Graham suggests?

On Sunday, he’ll appear on Meet the Press, and he said he plans to unveil a detailed immigration plan during the show. He would also revive the guest-worker programs that previously brought in temporary workers to aid in farming and other industries hobbled by labour shortages.

“Mark Zuckerberg’s personal Senator, Marco Rubio, has a bill to triple H-1bs that would decimate women and minorities”, Trump’s proposal says, referencing Zuckerberg’s support for the immigration reform package. Bush disagrees with Obama’s use of executive actions to unilaterally enforce the policy.


The U.S. should limit acceptance of refugees and asylum-seekers, Trump added, in favor of what he called a “Refugee program for American children”.

Donald Trump has made immigration central to his campaign