
Trump to discuss ideological immigration questionnaire in Youngstown

“I call it extreme, extreme vetting”, Donald Trump said.


Following the June shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, Trump appeared to introduce a new standard, vowing to “suspend immigration from areas of the world where there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe or our allies, until we fully understand how to end these threats”.

A Trump administration’s foreign policy approach would focus on halting the spread of radical Islam.

“Those who do not believe in our Constitution, or who support bigotry and hatred, will not be admitted for immigration into the country”, Trump said. “We cannot always choose our friends, but we can never fail to recognize our enemies”. “I call it extreme vetting”.

Trump has praised Russian President Vladimir Putin and last month called on Russia to find and release thousands of emails from Clinton. They, too, have much at stake in the outcome in Syria, and have had their own battles with Islamic terrorism just as bad as ours. Trump said he intends to use a robust combination of sanctions and cyber warfare to help mitigate the terrorist threat. “Egypt was ruled by a secular president and an ally of the US”, Trump said.

He laid out a broad, nonspecific plan for destroying the Islamic State, including joint and coalition military operations, cutting off funding, and shutting off access to the Internet.

Earlier in the speech, Trump cited terrorist attacks on USA soil carried out by immigrants or children of immigrants as the reasoning behind the stricter immigration policies.

“Donald Trump, who previously said he wouldn’t disclose his strategy for defeating ISIS because he did not “want the enemy to know what I’m doing”, finally broke down and let the American public in on his plans in an uncharacteristically low-energy speech delivered in Ohio Monday afternoon”.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has said that he will institute “extreme vetting” of immigrants and establish a new “commission on radical Islam” if he wins the United States election in November.

Key to Trump’s proposed solution to terrorism perpetrated by the Islamic State is to end nation building.

Mr Trump’s first announced his call for banning Muslims previous year.

As president, Trump said, he would ask the state department and department of homeland security to identify regions of the world that remain hostile to the U.S., and where screening might not be sufficient to catch those who pose a threat.

A subdued Trump, delivering what his campaign billed as a major speech on terrorism in Youngstown, Ohio, said immigration would need to be stopped from “some of the most risky and volatile regions of the world that have a history of exporting terrorism”, but did not specify what they were. “We will defeat radical Islamic terrorism”.

“We want to build bridges and erase divisions”.

In a campaign appearance with Clinton in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania, Vice President Joseph Biden said that Trump “has no clue what it takes to lead this great country”. “Anyone who can not condemn the hatred, oppression, and violence of radical Islam lacks the moral clarity to serve as our president”.

He blamed President Barack Obama and his would-be Democratic successor, Hillary Clinton, for allowing extremism to take root in the Middle East, pointing to Obama’s withdrawal from Iraq and US military intervention in Libya. A number of the terrorist attacks he listed, and the plan for withdrawing USA troops from Iraq, occurred under Bush.

Trump is expected to spend significant time going after Obama and Clinton, the former secretary of state, blaming them for policies he argues allowed the Islamic State group to spread.

Trump’s speech, which he read from a teleprompter, followed yet another turbulent period in which his comments about Obama being the founder of IS and his remarks that the “Second Amendment” people could somehow prevent Clinton from increasing gun control.


“I will be your single greatest champion”, Trump vowed at the closing of his speech.

Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks in Youngstown Ohio