
Trump to name VP by week’s end

Many in the crowd said they were hopeful Pence would be chosen by Trump.


Standing in front of a massive American flag, the first-term governor and former six-term congressman told some 1,500 Trump supporters gathered at Grand Park in north suburban Indianapolis that he wants in to be the first state on Election Night to go red for Trump.

“I’m a conservative”, Pence has often said. “But I’m not angry about it”.

According to CNN, Pence and former house speaker Newt Gingrich are the front-runners on Trump’s list to be possible running mates.

A border wall between Mexico and the United States is still one of Trump’s plans to stop people who are not Americans into the country. “He’s a counterbalance to Trump in that way”.

Pence spoke as though he was Trump’s running mate.

Not so long ago, their relationship was a little awkward. Trump suggested the Indiana-born couldn’t fairly rule on a Trump University court case because he is “Mexican”. Pence endorsed Cruz in that contest but spoke warmly about Trump as well.

“When I heard I was doing it on Friday, I was saying, I wonder if those people know me very well”, Trump said of his campaign staff. But he continued to emphasize his “law and order candidate” credentials in the wake of recent police killings of Louisiana man Alton Sterling and Minnesota man Philando Castile and a mass shooting of police at a peaceful Black Lives Matter march in Dallas which killed five officers and wounded nine other people. For example, Pence’s support of the state’s religious objections law led to a revolt from the business community, which joined gay rights advocates in successfully pushing for changes to the law.

“The Indiana governor and former congressman has already passed one important hurdle, the source said: “(The) Pence vet was completely clean and that mattered. But he built a national following among conservatives for his willingness to buck his own party after opposing President George W. Bush’s Medicare expansion and the No Child Left Behind education overhaul. Christie had an early introduction to politics, volunteering to help on a political campaign when he was only 15 years old.

He also said America doesn’t need a president who sees Obamacare as just a good start and who promises to put coal miners out of work and raise utility rates on businesses and homeowners.

He said he had no idea whom Trump would pick, but mentioned that Pence and Christie were in the running and that he was “part of the process”. “He’s somebody who has deep relationships in the evangelical movement, and he’s somebody who has foreign affairs experience”.

Christie became an attorney and then a partner in a law firm before he was appointed a USA attorney for the District of New Jersey.


He was a candidate for the 2016 Republican nomination for president, but dropped out of the race in February without winning a state primary and coming in sixth in the New Hampshire primary.

Donald Trump at a campaign event in Westfield Indiana