
Trump to offended reporter: I’m gonna keep saying ‘anchor babies’

Heading into the weekend, Rubio was running fifth in the field of 17 Republican presidential candidates, with 7.3 percent support, according to the average national polls gauging primary voters’ preferences.


Donald Trump is truly the Republicans’ worst nightmare, and they aren’t anxious about waking up to a nasty pinch.

This week, as part of his unworkable and mean-spirited immigration plan, Donald Trump called for denying citizenship to babies born in the undocumented immigrants.

Birthright citizenship will continue to be a hotly debated issue in the upcoming election.

On birthright citizenship Christie said, “It’s in the Constitution”. Our country is going to hell.

The Due Process Clause is quite literally, the main basis for the protections we enjoy however, they may now be threatened, from overreach by the state.

On the television network news talk shows, the GOP hopefuls said enforcing U.S. immigration laws would resolve the problem of “birthright citizenship” without having to go through what they see as an impractical effort to end it with a constitutional amendment.

Trump’s licensing business has taken some hits during his presidential campaign, including disparaging remarks about women and immigrants. However, about half of the GOP’s 2016 candidates actually back Trump’s war on “anchor babies” and the 14th Amendment. Both intimate that they oppose automatic citizenship for the children of people without any documentation who are trying to game the Fourteenth Amendment, but argue that the right is enshrined, and it isn’t going away. He said the issue is “an applause line”. My point all week has been and continues to be as it was last month until we address those core problems we’re not addressing the real issue and Americans are right to be upset.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said on Sunday that the concept of birthright citizenship is illogical given America’s struggles with rising illegal immigration.

To further clarify the highlighted phrase, we consult Vattel’s Law of Nations, which states that “to be of the country, it is necessary to be born of a person who is a citizen; for if he be born there of a foreigner, it will only be the place of his birth and not his country” [emphasis mine]. “That’s the legitimate side of this”.


And Trump still attacked Bush’s immigration stance – and declared that he’s a “low-energy person” – during a press conference on Wednesday before their dueling New Hampshire town hall meetings. “I like him very much”, Trump said. Eric Trump says his father strikes deals with local firms overseas because he needs help with the languages, culture and laws, not out of any reluctance to deploy his own cash. “Right down the road, we have Jeb – very small crowd“, he said. “And you know, one of the things that’s happening is China, with what they’re doing with their currency with the devaluations”. But apparently sometimes, it’s worth a shot.

Trump to offended reporter I’m gonna keep saying ‘anchor babies