
Trump to release medical report

“We want to be a unifier and we have to be a unifier”, Trump said.


He told supporters in Macon that he might not “do the debate unless they pay me”.

“So I’ll do the debate”, he said.

Trump, who is leading most national and early primary state-level polls for the GOP nomination, previously suggested he would not participate in the debate unless CNN agreed to give him million to donate to charity.

CNN will not pay GOP frontrunner Donald Trump $5M to appear at the cable news network’s December 15 debate, despite the fact Trump claims he’s responsible for 99.9% of CNN’s debate ratings, network chief Jeff Zucker said this morning. “When they say they don’t care about their lives, you have to take out their families”, Trump said Wednesday. “So I’ll do the debate”.

But Trump acknowledged that his ability to force CNN’s hand is limited. He was patient enough to listen to what they had to say, and he responded to every situation. We’re very conscious of that and we’re very conscious at CNN that there are many times, including yesterday and last night, when you’re going to find out about what’s going on from Twitter or Facebook or whatever social media platform that you use or frequent.

“It’s a smart thing he’s doing to meet with black ministers ’cause the majority of black voters still go to church and that’s why we are conveniently Democrats”, he said.

Awk-ward. Shortly after Donald Trump’s presidential campaign team announced that he would be endorsed by a group of 100 black pastors, several pastors vigorously protested that they were not endorsing Trump after all. Zucker shot back. “I think what you’re referring to is when I was at NBC Entertainment, I am the one who put The Apprentice on the air…”

Trump began with a statement that he was in great health, something which he said he said had been passed down from his parents.

“Some people said, “Oh, I think you’ll do all right”” if he does not appear in Las Vegas, Trump said. “I love them, they love me”. I mean you can’t fight everybody.

“Of course it’s important”, Lee said of the release of a presidential candidate’s medical records.

In a video statement a day after he met with Trump however, Parson said Trump genuinely wants to help. I’ve been very successful. “Obama, your African-American youth – 51 percent unemployment, right?”


Trump was apparently pointing to various reports indicating that one of the two suspected shooters had been in touch with Islamic extremists, according to anonymous sources. Russian Federation is bombing the hell out of them, starting to bomb them.

Donald Trump Cancels Press Event With Black Pastors After Finding Out They're