
Trump To Talk To The Nation, GOP Doubters At Republican National Convention

Delegates at the Republican National Convention thunderously booed Ted Cruz for refusing to endorse Donald Trump Wednesday – clouding an evening meant to highlight vice presidential candidate Mike Pence as a unifying force for the party.


Delegates wandering out of the hall afterward openly trashed Trump or Cruz, depending on their allegiance.

He was joined on stage by the NY billionaire after his speech, when the two men hugged awkwardly as Trump leaned in to plant a kiss on his running mate but appeared to miss.

“I want to congratulate Donald Trump on winning the nomination last night”, Cruz told cheering delegates Wednesday night at the Republican National Convention.

Cruz’s address was a remarkable display because, in modern times, conventions have become highly scripted, made-for-television events.

He adds, “I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father”. He estimated that about a third of their supporters are now “all-in for Trump, a third are like, ‘Gosh, I wish I didn’t have to, but I can’t stand Hillary, ‘ and a third are probably like, ‘I’m just going to wait and see how the campaign goes'”. “But when he said (that), we began to shout ‘Get out!” I will tell the truth, I will not malign, I will not insult, I will not attack, I will tell the truth. That’s the right political outcome. During the address, Cruz urged Republicans to “vote your conscience” in November, a direct reference to Trump detractors that lobbied members of the RNC rules committee on a “conscience clause” that would have allowed delegates to vote for someone other than the victor of their state’s primary results. Ted Cruz said you can vote your conscience for anyone who will uphold the Constitution.

Cruz aide Jason Johnson said the Texas lawmaker told Trump in a phone conversation two days ago that he would not endorse him during his speech, a decision New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie called “totally selfish”.

At a question from the crowd, he characterized his speech as the advice he would give to Trump, if asked.

Many then expected him to go on to endorse his former party rival Trump – putting aside their bitter primary race. He has come around to Trump and thinks that Cruz did exactly what Trump would have wanted.

“Remember, he signed a pledge at the beginning of this process”, he said.

Some critics saw the appeal for people to vote their conscience as a vote of no-confidence in Trump.


“At the very moment when America is crying out for something new and different, the other party has answered with a stale agenda and the most predictable of names”, he said. “Neither he nor his campaign has ever taken back a word they’ve said about my family”. “Vote for candidates who you trust to defend our freedom and be faithful to the Constitution”.

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