
Trump tops Clinton on speech ratings

And that sense that we’re at the dawn of a new era, “a moment of reckoning”, as she put it, implicitly also suggests that a woman in the Oval Office is a revolution in and of itself.


The candidate also launched a blistering counter attack on Clinton. The stage is now set. “Yes, let’s promote state-sponsored terrorism”, sighed Stacey Anderson, a Hillary Clinton supporter and delegate from Montana.

She also offered a sweeping vision of the Democratic party, including, “A bold agenda to improve the lives of people across our country – to keep you safe, to get you good jobs, and to give your kids the opportunities they deserve”. Trump has made anti-Muslim rhetoric a part of his election persona, but even before Trump the Republican Party was much less comfortable with immigrants and ethnic as well as religious minorities. Once that happens, we’ll begin to get a much clearer picture of where the candidates are at the starting gate.

The speech capped a four-day nominating convention that opened in discord after a leak of hacked Democratic National Committee e-mails showed party officials favored Clinton over primary rival US Senator Bernie Sanders.

Trump, 70, sent out a flurry of comments on Twitter on Friday morning lambasting media coverage of the speech as “a joke”, calling the address “very long and very boring” and accusing Clinton of wanting to shut down “coal mines, steel plants and any other remaining manufacturing”. Here of course the basic premise is that government is a democratically elected entity, and as such represents the will of a majority of its people. While never welcome, that prospect has become truly disconcerting to them with Trump’s takeover of the GOP. Today, the Democratic Party is a coalition of most minorities along with political and social liberals.

Yet so powerful is the desire among the electorate for an outsider to break up the status quo that none of those things seem to matter. But it was a toned-down upgrade to avoid stoking the frustrations of people whose economic growth has stalled under the Obama years and who are backing a billionaire outsider in such large numbers to find another solution. They protested. They got their message out.

But Democrats believe that the forces in Clinton’s favour are significantly stronger. “There is no doubt in mind that Hillary Clinton will smash that glass ceiling and be our next president”.

Of all the people in the world – including Democrats, Republicans, Independents and supporters of The Rock – no one was filled with more joy than the Clintons when it started raining patriotic balloons of various sizes. How many votes do Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein get? Her unpopularity stems from two basic reasons.

How many times has Trump been married?

Her critique of Trump’s temperament was a clever turn of the gender tables, attributing to her male opponent the sort of character weakness sexists often attribute to women. “Our founders fought a revolution and wrote a Constitution so America would never be a nation where one person had all the power”, Clinton warned. Negative political campaigns tend to depress turnout, repelling voters from the polls, and low turnout tends to favor Republicans – which may explain why Democrats took such pains to strike positive notes in Philadelphia and declare, playing on words, that “love trumps hate”.

Barack Obama didn’t say that Hillary Clinton could not be trusted or that she was not qualified for president. Tim Kaine, and the man who had battled her for the Democratic presidential nomination, Sen. The Republican nominee has threatened to withdraw American troops from Japan and South Korea unless the countries pay up the complete cost for the USA military presences there. Even a few former Pakistani politicians have given such talks to make some extra pocket money.

“In an outsider year, you have the absolute queen of the political establishment running against the absolute king of the anti-establishment, so that dynamic favors Trump”, the George Washington University professor says.


Though dismissed as the raging rant of a maniac, in any other circumstance, Donald Trump would have been tried for treason and for posing serious national security threat to his country, which he wants to “make great again”.

The Democrats Have Reclaimed GOP Values And Made Them Better