
Trump touts inner city charter school plan in CLE

“For months now, Hillary Clinton has been way ahead of Donald Trump and the RNC and they’re still unable to completely play catch-up”, he said.


An intimate crowd that included about a dozen schoolchildren who were predominantly African-American gathered to hear Trump’s speech.

Instead, he says Kasich’s team has been putting most of its efforts into reelecting Sen. Several outlets reported that Trump had proposed creating $20 billion in school-choice grants for poor kids – one of the assertions that elicited applause from about half the audience members, some of whom were charter school students, according to political reporter Henry J. Gomez.

Trump went on to unveil his plan for education. In Real Clear Politics’ average of multiple Iowa polls, Trump leads Clinton by just less than 1 percent.

Trump also said that he plans to support merit pay for teachers, a controversial policy that bases part of a teacher’s salary on student test scores.

For years, Ohio’s charter school law was criticized as too loose, allowing poorly performing schools to proliferate and persist.

He said states would be offered incentives to participate and believed the program would help OH which has a big and controversial charter school program. Lawmakers tightened oversight previous year with a new law that calls for more accountability and transparency, including from the for-profit companies that manage some schools.

Speaking to voters in Cleveland shortly after he met with teachers, students and their parents at the school, Trump said the Democratic Party has “trapped millions of African-American and Hispanic youth in failing government schools that deny them the opportunity to join the ladder of American success”.


Before today, Trump had only said he is for choice and against Common Core Standards. If state politicians chipped in another $110 billion from existing state education budgets, he said, the total would come out to roughly $12,000 per low-income student.

Donald Trump