
Trump Towers Istanbul condemns calls to ban Muslims

Supporters of the online group have posted a video online criticising the presidential hopeful’s comments.


Multiple golf courses, hotels and housing projects bear the Trump name in those countries, as do consumer products in stores dotting the Arabian peninsula.

(KTRS) – A chain restaurant with a location in Des Peres says that a potential data breach could affect custo…

A Dubai real estate firm DAMAC Properties, which is building the complex, initially said it would stand by the Republican Presidential candidate.

“Many Muslim friends of mine are in agreement with me”, Trump said to Lemon in a sit-down interview.

Several days ago, Damac released a statement commenting on Trump’s call for a ban on Muslims.

Prominent UAE-based businessman Khalaf Ahmad Al-Habtoor has ruled out any chance of working with Trump, saying he doesn’t trust him anymore.

“We not only have their accounts suspended but we also are able to disable their websites so they are not able to do as much recruiting that way”.

If I were Donald Trump and his Presidential campaign (and I can’t believe I’d ever be giving them any kind of advice), I would beef up security and I would do it quick. The company has already drawn the line separating their partner’s political and business interests.

“We are assessing the legal dimension of our relationship with the Trump brand”, a statement from Kural said. However, they did not clarify if that would sever their ties with the entrepreneur and reality TV star.

Following Trump’s declaration to ban Muslim immigrants from entering the United States, CNN’s Chris Cuomo got heated during an interview and called the plan “stupid”.

Since the development is still under construction, the removal of the branding with Trump’s name and image seemed to be largely symbolic.


Trump announced on Monday that he is proposing a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States until officials in Washington can figure out “what the hell is going on”.

Dubai-based Lifestyle is pulling Trump-branded products from its chain of home decor stores across the region