
Trump tried to get out of choosing Pence late Thursday

Donald Trump says the man who will join him on the Republican presidential ticket is a “man of character, honor and honesty”.


A steady conservative with extensive governing experience, Pence may also serve to reassure Republicans who are skeptical about Trump’s conservative bona fides.

Meanwhile, Pence has also reportedly abandoned his re-election bid as Indiana Governor.

He said: “I particularly want to commend Donald Trump, who I think has given voice to the frustration of millions of Americans with the lack of progress in Washington”.

“When we elect one of the best negotiators in the world as president of the United States, I’m open to renegotiating these trade agreements”, Pence said.

Trump made the offer and Pence accepted Thursday afternoon, before the governor traveled to NY, the Republican said.

“I don’t listen to Donald Trump”, Hogan said last month.

Speaking to a group of roughly 300 supporters inside a ballroom at the Hilton in Midtown Manhattan, Trump added, “I’ve admired the work he’s done especially in the state of in”.

“Let’s come together as party, as people and as a movement to make America great again”, Pence said.

The announcement of Pence was met with praise from several Wisconsin Republicans.

Implicitly responding to reports that he waffled on choosing Pence, Trump insisted the governor of the Hoosier state was his “first choice”.

At one point in his remarks, Trump wandered so far away from the goal of the event that he had to remind the audience ― and perhaps himself ― why he was there.

Trump and Pence did not know each other that well until recently.

The Wall Street Journal said by picking Pence, Trump has balanced his ticket with an even-tempered conservative. Ted Cruz (R-TX). Trump suggested that Pence endorsed Cruz because he was under pressure from established Republicans.

In an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News, Pence downplayed or reversed past differences he has had with Trump.

Pence and Trump have concluded their remarks. But some of Trump’s children, who have been closely advising their father, were said to favor different candidates. “I’m a Christian, a conservative and Republican, in that order”.

In a statement, the Clinton campaign said Trump has doubled down with most extreme Vice Presidential pick in a generation. His selection as vice president would go a long way toward mollifying concerns some pro-life voters have had about Trump, who has campaigned as a pro-life candidate but who has made some misstatements about abortion and Planned Parenthood. It also turned off some moderate Republicans, helping derail Pence’s own presidential ambitions.


Trump had spent weeks vetting vice presidential contenders, including former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, and only zeroed in on Pence in recent days.
