
Trump tries to build bridges in Tampa speech

The businessman turned Republican presidential candidate now suggests he might not deport all 11 million illegal immigrants, a position that Trump and his advisers appear to believe has hurt him with moderate voters they are desperate to court.


In his campaign’s first gesture of outreach to liberal bloggers, Donald Trump humiliated Ann Coulter on Wednesday night. Nobody should be allowed to come into this country regardless of whether or not they pay taxes. “They have to pay taxes”, he added. “There’s no amnesty, but we work with them”.

Trump said that on his first day in office, he would authorise law enforcement to actively deport “bad dudes”, such as those who have committed crimes, which he said numbered “probably millions”, CNN reported.

“No, there’s not a path to legalization unless people leave the country, if they come back in and then they have to start paying taxes”, he told CNN’s Anderson Cooper in a pre-taped interview from Manchester, N.H.

“So Black folks calm down – this ain’t about us”, Martin said. “He doesn’t want to talk to us, he wants to ignore us”. One out of every three Trump supporters say the immigrants are not as hard working as USA citizens while slightly more than three out of four Americans overall believe immigrants are as hard working as citizens. It’s insulting. It’s unsafe.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally in Austin, Texas, August 23.

On Sean Hannity’s television program, Trump declared he would just do what George Bush and Barack Obama have done.

“There certainly could be a softening”, Trump said Tuesday.

10News WTSP was at the Florida State Fairgrounds where Trump attempted to reach out to communities he’s offended.

“Bring people in out of the shadows, go into a room – when they walk into the room they are illegal immigrants – they get work papers, Social Security, we know who they are”, Collins said. “Those things are terms of art for the Gang of Eight-type crowd”. Those who want to limit immigration argue that it mainly reflects Trump’s erratic nature.

But whatever the possible gains, Trump risks offending millions of conservatives. Well, that’s about to be tested, because if there’s one issue that has animated the Republican rank and file over the past decade, it’s immigration. He nearly appeared to be begging for their vote, condescendingly promising to lift them out of poverty and “failed” schools.

Trump supporters on immigrants The results of a Pew Research poll on immigrants was released and the poll, which spoke to 2,010 Americans in all 50 states and the District of Columbia by phone, found that there is a wide difference between what Trump’s supporters feel about immigrants, and what others feel about immigrants. Polls often show that majorities favor letting people illegally in the US stay and also back tougher laws to deport them.

Trump’s comments prompted Coulter to bash him on Twitter for using the same terminology as immigration reform proponents.

“Without the immigration issue, the words “President Trump” would still be a “Simpsons” joke, ‘ ” Krikorian said.

Democrats and immigration-overhaul advocates made the same point.

I’ve been wondering for months why the immigration hardliners were so sure Trump would stick to his guns on this stuff.


Later on he polled Hannity’s audience on what his immigration stance should be. But the address was postponed as he and his advisers indicated that his positions on key tenants of immigration policy were not settled.

As Trump tries minority outreach, many blacks unconvinced