
Trump Tries to Raise Fresh Ethical Questions About Clinton

Thirteen weeks before Election Day, a Suffolk University poll shows the race in Iowa – often considered a “must-win” state – is a statistical dead heat.


Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Wednesday tried to raise ethical questions about Democratic rival Hillary Clinton and criticized her for letting the father of the Orlando nightclub shooter sit behind her at a rally.

Trump has built much of his campaign on fighting illegal immigration, including building a border wall with Mexico and deporting 11 million illegal immigrants already here.

But David Urban, senior adviser to the Trump Campaign for Pennsylvania, says there is one thing Clinton doesn’t have – enthusiasm.

“The closeness is a function of Democrats being a lot happier with their party’s candidate than Republicans are with theirs”, PPP pollsters noted.

Asked about a list of issues facing the USA, a quarter of people polled named jobs and the economy as the most important issue facing the next president and 21 percent named terrorism and national security. Critics slammed Trump this week for appearing to suggest that gun-rights supporters could shoot Clinton to prevent her from appointing federal judges as president, and he drew criticism for standing by a false claim that President Barack Obama founded the Islamic State.

Pollsters found Clinton now leads Trump 49 percent to 39 percent in an average of six recent polls conducted after both party conventions ended late last month.

PPP’s poll is the first major poll to test the presidential waters in SC. However, poll prognosticators such as FiveThirtyEight have been openly opining if Clinton could be competitive in SC, which has not gone for a Democrat since 1976. Two days later, Donald Trump held his own rally in Florida and chastised Clinton for allowing Mateen into her rally, saying, “When you get those seats, you sort of know the campaign”. Among registered voters she led by six points before the convention, 43-37, and now leads 46-36. The Quinnipiac University poll showed 89 percent of likely OH voters have their minds made up. Campaign spokesman Nick Merrill told NBC News that Clinton “disagrees with his views and disavows his support”.


“I’ve been a friend of Mr. Trump’s since 1987”. The margin of error for the Colorado, Florida and Virginia surveys is 3.3 percentage points; for North Carolina, it is 3.2 points. Johnson receives double-digit support, 12 percent, statewide. Two-thirds said they are loyal citizens in the battle against terrorism.

Hillary Clinton extends lead in 3 key states, Marist poll says