
Trump tweets he’ll deliver immigration speech in Arizona

Under fire for giving mixed messages on his signature issue, illegal immigration, Trump used a campaign speech in Des Moines to provide some fresh details.


“I just don’t speak for Donald Trump”, Reince Priebus said Sunday.

But Conway argued on Thursday that Trump isn’t abandoning any position, saying he “is not for amnesty”.

The very goal of surrogates is to speak for and back up their presidential nominee.

The crowd’s reaction was split: Some cheered when Trump suggested that the immigrants be allowed to stay, others roared when he suggested deporting them.

Prior to Trump’s briefing, leading Democrats questioned whether the celebrity businessman could responsibly handle receiving sensitive information because of some of his comments, including the suggestion that Russian Federation should attempt to hack Clinton’s emails.

For more than a year, Donald Trump took the hardest line on immigration – vowing to deport 11 million illegal immigrants en masse and pillorying his GOP primary rivals as favoring “amnesty”. And late Sunday, the nation’s only African-American owned and operated national Christian television network announced that its president and CEO, Bishop Wayne T. Jackson, would interview the Republican nominee in Detroit on September 3.

He did not explain how his plan would affect numerous illegal community who have been in the United States for decades and obeyed USA laws. “Do we throw them out or do we work with them?” “Equal protection under the law must include the consistent application of our immigration laws”. It also says she plans to target federal resources in commodity payment, crop insurance, and disaster assistance programs to support family operations. He won the GOP primaries on the strength of an aggressive immigration policy, calling for the immediate deportation of the estimated 11 million people in the USA illegally and construction of a Mexican border wall. After all, he came in second here in the Iowa caucuses back in February, and President Obama won in the last two elections.

Trump finally hit the airwaves earlier this month with an ad focused on immigration, and so far has only spent about $5 million.

The shift, if it sticks, marks a dramatic turnabout for a candidate who repeatedly attacked Bush, Rubio, Sen.

“Those are the things that Donald Trump is going to answer. But now he’s reflecting on it and his position is going to be known”, Priebus said.

The speech has been rescheduled at least once.

Precisely what Trump’s motivation is in tempering his views on immigration is not clear. The campaign also blamed staff error for reports that it had been scheduled for August 31 in Phoenix. “During this televised event, we will address real issues facing our communities such as law and order, police and black citizens, black lives matter, racism in 2016, economic empowerment, education, and incarceration just to name a few”. However, his campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, on CNN Thursday said, “It is this week what it’s always been”.

“We either have borders or we don’t”, Trump said, adding that he would still build a massive wall along the Southern border, and make Mexico pay for it, if elected president.

Her comments come after a week of Trump appearing to sway back and forth on how to deal with the 11 million, first saying that he was open to a “softening” of his policy and then describing it as a “hardening” whereby there would be “no amnesty” and no path to legalization. That, he said, “is a subject for the future”.


Tapper pressed Pence Sunday on whether the GOP ticket believes those children are citizens.

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