
Trump Under Fire For Comments On Slain Soldier’s Parents

Trump tried several times to deflect the criticism, though he refused to back down from his initial attack. John McCain, the Senate Armed Services Committee chairman.


After Republican nominee Donald Trump lashed out at a fallen soldier’s parents, many GOP lawmakers are denouncing Trump’s comments. He said the focus should be on “radical Islamic terrorism”, not the parents.

“There was no need to comment the way he commented”, Khan said on Monday.

That doesn’t matter, said Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who enthusiastically endorsed Trump at the Republican convention.

Kaine and his wife, Anne Holton, visited a Democratic campaign office Monday in their hometown of Richmond, Virginia. “That’s just not how I was raised”.

Kaine was Richmond’s mayor before becoming Virginia’s governor and then one of its senators. He is set to hold a rally Monday evening at a city high school. She also used the episode to contrast her own religious faith with that of Trump, who has spoken of religion on the campaign trail infrequently.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., a one-time Republican presidential candidate, went a step further by directly condemning Trump’s remarks Saturday.

Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 and has backed pro-Russian separatists in the conflict in eastern Ukraine. And we will keep getting stronger when Hillary Clinton becomes our next president.

“No, they are absolutely not”, he said.

Trump initially told ABC that the National Football League sent him a letter complaining about the schedule, but after the NFL denied doing so, a Trump aide said the candidate heard of the conflict from “a source close to the league”.

President Barack Obama says the USA can’t “turn inward” and embrace protectionism because of economic anxieties that have been drawn out by the presidential election. Clinton will be in Omaha, Nebraska and Boulder, Colorado.

Clinton’s actions have been reckless and have directly led to the loss of American lives. The father of a Marine, Pence said Sunday that he and Trump believe Capt. Khan is a hero and his family “should be cherished by every American”. The real estate magnate “sacrificed nothing and no one”, Khan said, and questioned whether the Republican had even read the U.S. Constitution. I will take care of them.’ And he said he’ll do his job and he did.

Trump responded by saying he has sacrificed for his businesses in order to “thousands and thousands of people” while also indirectly suggesting Khizr Kahn’s speech was written by “Hillary’s script writers”. “If you were to look at the wife, she had nothing to say, maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say, you tell me”, Trump said.

But what touched Oliver the most – as it did many of us – was the speech by Khizr Khan. “That is not our style.This is not our path”.

“As Muslims, we have a hope that Trump can guide America toward the right direction”. What mother could? Donald Trump has children whom he loves. Mike Pence, campaigned in Republican-heavy Waukesha.

Meanwhile, Ghazala Khan responded to Trump’s comments by saying that her husband had asked whether she wanted to speak at the convention, but she herself opted not to because the pain of her son’s loss was too great for her to bear.


The outcry has been swift and bipartisan.

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