
Trump urges Pennsylvania voters to watch for cheating on election day

What if the partisans are the ones making the big mistake?


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is speaking right across the Pennsylvania line in Erie Friday afternoon. Some are now openly mulling the possibility of a Clinton blowout in November. Is it possible that dissatisfaction with the two major party candidates could be pushing voters into looking at other options? “Hillary in NY as a senator, she came in and promised and promised jobs”.

Trump must win both or find a truly innovative route to victory.

Trump’s campaign has placed strong emphasis on winning Pennsylvania, which last went for a Republican candidate in 1988. She led among women by only 4 percentage points last month.

“Neither of the candidates are particularly well liked so it’s going to come down to policy”, says Andy Reilly, Delaware County GOP Chairman.

The Clinton campaign is taking pains not to look overconfident at this early juncture.

“Trump, who portrays himself as a job creator, is suddenly paddling upstream in a state that needs jobs”, said Tim Malloy, the Quinnipiac poll’s assistant director, in the survey release.

OpenSecrets data shows that Trump’s cash from Congress is especially lacking when compared just to previous party nominees: He received the second least from campaigns and leadership PACs, behind only Barack Obama in 2012, who is in the negative, actually giving back a net of $2,300 in campaign committee donations from the previous election.

After he said on Wednesday that Obama founded the Islamic State and Clinton could be awarded its “most valuable player” award, he repeatedly doubled down and insisted he meant the charge to be taken seriously.

“We no longer have an Election Day, we have an Election Month”.

“I’m going to bring jobs back to Pennsylvania”, he began, adding, “Pennsylvania has lost one-third of its manufacturing jobs to other countries”.

A new poll from the Wall Street Journal and NBC News show him trailing Clinton in Colorado, Florida, North Carolina and Virginia. The race in Florida is a virtual tie. In Altoona, however, Trump suggested the claim was sarcastic and mocked the media for dedicating too much time to it.

“Donald Trump is supposed to be a great businessman, and that’s what his campaign is built on”. His friend Hannity has been beating the drum lately about the implausible fact that in 59 separate inner-city precincts of Philly, Mitt Romney received not a single vote in 2012.

Democrats, for instance, already have called on retired Marine Lt. Gen. Jack Bergman, the surprise victor of the open 1st Congressional District Republican primary in northern MI, to repudiate Trump for tangling with the Gold Star family.

Sitting with [Karl] Rove in the Manhattan apartment of a mutual friend, the casino magnate Steve Wynn, Mr. Trump said [in May] he would compete in states like OR, which has not voted Republican since Ronald Reagan’s 1984 landslide. Trump-themed lures appeared just 67 times more often than Clinton-themed lures in July. She got a huge bounce from the Democratic convention held in Philadelphia. And if Democrats retake control of the Senate, Republicans eyeing the 2018 map – when 25 Democrats (and independents caucusing with Democrats) and only eight Republicans face re-election – would have every incentive to impede Clinton’s initiatives.

But it is deep-red Utah that has revealed the deep vulnerabilities of Trump’s candidacy this year.

Clinton’s chief flaws: She’s seen not only as an icon of the political establishment many voters loathe, but also as someone who can’t be trusted. Republicans George W. Bush captured 72% in 2004 and John McCain 63% in 2008.

The trump campaign told us they expect a large crowd and plan to have an overflow room where supporters can watch the rally. Libertarian Gary Johnson has been surging in Utah, and McMullin jumped into the mix this week.


Wanda Nye runs a Lancaster tavern where, she says, “business should be better”.

Donald Trump Aug. 11 2016