
Trump uses Bernie Bid to drive wedge among Dems

Clinton, the Democratic front-runner, sent her husband to campaign here on her behalf.


To be sure, Republicans appear likely to use Hillary Clinton, the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination who is also a polarizing figure, in a similar fashion.

News Senior White House Correspondent Chris Jansing says that the Bernie Sanders campaign is willing to tie up the Democratic National Convention because Hillary Clinton’s campaign isn’t giving them “respect”. Bernie Sanders says he is banking on his strong base of progressive Oregonian supporters to help him beat the odds and take his campaign all the way to the Democratic National Convention.

The two states are linked to coal as is much of Appalachia, the largely white, long-struggling eastern USA region where many feel they have been given the cold shoulder in the lukewarm recovery from the 2007-2008 financial crisis.

The state has been treated by Clinton as an opportunity to appeal to a demographic that has consistently snubbed her: working-class white men.

“I don’t think she’s going to pick anybody who isn’t progressive”, said Bob Shrum, who has served as a senior aide to Democratic presidential candidates Al Gore and John Kerry.

According to the Las Vegas Sun, Angie Morelli, a Sanders’ supporter who coordinated the effort to change the rules, said, “I think this was of course the fault of the party”. The Clinton campaign turned out 33 more supporters to the convention than the Sanders campaign, enough to cement a 20-15 edge among Nevada delegates heading to Philadelphia.

Trump is a classic Republican in many ways. As the neoliberal Democratic machine mobilizes to quash revolution in its ranks, I urge you to consider opening a window of historic possibility outside the Democratic Party. “I haven’t seen a Hillary button yet, and that tells you a couple things”, he added. Clinton generally has done better when independents and the youngest voters – keys to Sanders’ support – either can’t vote or haven’t registered. On Sunday, the former secretary of state went to Louisville churches and had rallies in Louisville and Fort Mitchell. Some folks in the restaurant were unaware that she was coming, including some who are supporting Republican Donald Trump. While Clinton personally wanted to compete in IN – which is why she returned for a late scheduled rally in Indianapolis – she saw the state as a likely loss, aides said.

The most important factor, if this happens, is a long list of polls showing Trump and Clinton are neck and neck in the presidential race in November.

Truman Burden, a 58-year-old retired pipe-fitter and one-time coal miner, told AFP he hoped to steer his former colleagues away from Trump. State party chair, Roberta Lange, told caucus-goers that the “ruling by the Chair is not debatable; we can not be challenged and I move that…and I announce that the rules have been passed by the body”. Do you want the superdelegates to consider that?

“Let’s just imagine I am on a debate stage with Donald Trump”, Clinton said to applause.

Asked during a stop yesterday at a diner in Paducah, a city in southwestern Kentucky, whether Bill would be part of her cabinet, she shook her head and said “No”-but she reasserted that he would be her ally in office”.


“My current favorite is anybody but Hillary”, Hoffman said to cheers.

Clinton Leads Sanders Heading Into Tuesday's Oregon Primary, Drawing Closer to Nomination