
Trump visiting Texas/Mexico border on Thursday

Local officers blocked off roads, including Interstate 35, for Trump’s entourage.


[What the world thinks about America’s infatuation with Donald Trump].

Donald Trump will come to Laredo on Thursday afternoon and will visit the border around 2 p.m. where he’s expected to talk to the media.

Trump said it was because union members were “afraid of saying what’s happening” at the border.

“You have to have a wall”, Trump said after adding three key words: “In certain sections”.

Trump hasn’t backed down – insisting once again that his remarks were being misinterpreted – but it’s become increasingly clear over the last few days that Trump is ready to move on. Against the backdrop of a line of trucks waiting to enter the country, Trump regaled reporters with a string of boisterous predictions – that he would not only win the GOP nomination, but would also take the Hispanic vote – and vague prescriptions for the issue that brought him here: illegal immigration.

At every stop, his visit seemed to draw more journalists than locals.

That’s because his latest move to earn some credibility on his stance of anti-immigration backfired when he was uninvited to tour the border in Texas. He visited the bridge over the Rio Grande instead of going on a tour of border facilities with agents as originally planned. The campaign stated last week that Mr. Trump’s income for the year 2014 was $362 million, without including dividends, interest, capital gains, rents or royalties.

Trump, speaking to The Hill about a potential third-party bid, singled out the Republican National Committee in particular for being unfair to him.

“I’m the only one that speaks their language”, Trump said of the border patrol agents in an interview with CNN earlier this month. He told Fox News that agents “want to do their job”, but “are not allowed to do their job at the border”.

Questions to the local border patrol office were referred to Trump’s campaign.

“It’s scary, not just what he says, but in terms of people supporting that”, said Guevara, who works for a nonprofit organization and who will be voting in her first presidential election next year. “Donald Trump’s candidacy is a cancer on conservatism, and it must be clearly diagnosed, excised and discarded”, former Texas Governor Rick Perry said Wednesday. “I’m not even sure he honestly understands what [border security] means”, he said. Trump recently has been declaring his net worth is more than $10 billion, a figure that is more than double what specialists who track individual wealth have estimated. “I think Latinos will evaluate each individual candidate on their merits and how they treat us”, said Balderas, the son of a Mexican immigrant.

“There were plenty chanting against you”, a reporter yelled back during his news conference.

“I have a hard time commenting on other people campaigns”, Heller said. Unlike the RGV Sector that received state help to handle the Gulf cartel, the Laredo Sector has largely been left to fight a losing battle against the Zetas cartel.

He claimed that they had been “silenced by their superiors in Washington who do not want people to know how bad it is on the border”.


Trump ducked when asked what he would do with the 11 million undocumented immigrants estimated to be in the United States.

LAREDO Texas- Donald Trump has paid a visit to the Mexican border- where he predicted that Hispanics would love him