
Trump vows to boost US military spending

Donald Trump says that he had a “thoughtful and substantive” conversation with Mexico’s president on Wednesday as he kicks off a long-awaited speech on immigration.


According to notes released from her interview with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, she said she relied on others with knowledge about handling classified files. “I did exactly what I should have done and I take it very seriously – always have, always will”.

But Clinton said she would be cautious in sending troops overseas as president.

Clinton also chastised Trump for hinting about things he learned in classified intelligence briefings he has received as the nominee.

“I always said ‘take the oil, ‘ one of the benefits we would have had if we took the oil [from Iraq] is ISIS would not have been able to take oil and use that oil to fuel themselves”, Trump told Lauer.

NBC’s Lauer moderated the Commander-In-Chief Forum, broadcast from New York’s Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, located in the Intrepid aircraft carrier on the Hudson River. “So Mr. Trump, your view that you can solve the war in Syria and end it by leaving Assad in power, I think, is fatally flawed”.

Trump heads to Ohio Thursday after being challenged repeatedly by the audience to explain his policies.

Boswell, who spent 12 years in the U.S. House, 12 years in the Iowa Senate and more than 20 years in the U.S. Army, including two tours of duty in Vietnam and two tours of duty on North Atlantic Treaty Organisation assignments in Europe, said “America’s greatness requires diplomatic and military leadership within the complex world we live in”.

He defended praising Russia’s leader.

Another poll, a 50 state survey by The Washington Post, showed Mrs Clinton with a solid lead in electoral college votes – the votes that ultimately determine who wins the presidential vote – even in some traditional Republican strongholds.

Clinton could also be vulnerable to Americans’ worries about terrorism particularly the Islamic State’s designs on the West and criticism that Obama hasn’t done enough to combat extremism emanating from the Middle East.

Keven Ann Willey, editor of the Dallas Morning News editorial page, says they didn’t come to the decision easily.

The most recent poll puts Trump sitting on 45 per cent compared to Clinton’s 43 per cent.

And earlier this week, for the first time this election, the Clinton campaign let press fly on the plane with the nominee and she even talked to them. “I also believe that it is imperative that we learn from the mistakes…we must learn what led us down that path so it never happens again“.

“I just want to start by referencing something that Donald Trump told ABC News”.


Clinton, who is a white Southerner himself, made the comments after Hillary Clinton gave a speech last month accusing Trump of bringing racism and fringe conspiracy theories into the mainstream with his 2016 campaign.

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