
Trump vows to ‘save’ U.S. from Hillary’s legacy of ‘death, destruction’

He once said, “if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps, I would be dating her”.


Ivanka said her father will “focus on making quality childcare affordable and acceptable for all”-an idea Democrats have advocated for but that Trump hasn’t called for on the stump”. “I am your voice”. “We are the children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the ones who wanted a better life, the driven ones, the ones who woke up at night hearing that voice telling them that life in that place called America could be better”. He cast himself as a fearless leader while ridiculing presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton as a tool for special interests worldwide who seeks to benefit only herself.

“No big deal!” Trump tweeted afterward about Cruz’s speech.

He depicted a country also weakened by misbegotten adventurism overseas, a criticism that could have been leveled as much at George W. Bush of his own party as at President Barack Obama.

TED Cruz has revealed he refused to endorse Donald Trump at the Republican convention because the nominee trashed the Texas senator’s family during their nasty primary battle. “I am certain it is a decision he truly regrets”.

Ned Ryun, a grassroots and conservative activism expert who attended the convention, said voters have a “binary choice” between Trump and Clinton in November. He also slammed Clinton’s association with big business, saying, “She is their puppet and they pull the strings”.

Trump’s eldest siblings are already the candidate’s top boosters, jamming national TV appearances while working as executives of the Trump Organization.

“This is now the signature moment of Ted Cruz’s career – good or bad”, said NBC’s Chuck Todd.

Mentioning the recent police shootings, Trump declared, “An attack on law enforcement is an attack on all Americans”.

“The crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end”, he said.

The property billionaire highlighted recent instances of civil unrest in the USA, and the shootings of police officers, and confidently predicted that “safety would be restored” when he became president.

The speech carried few specific proposals beyond his oft-repeated promises to build a wall along the USA border with Mexico and impose an open-ended ban on immigrants from “any nation that has been compromised by terrorism”. He did not, as he has before, single out Muslims.

He also vowed to cut taxes, roll back regulations and “turn our bad trade agreements into great ones”.

“As a Republican it is so nice to hear you cheering for what I just said”, he added. Among other pledges he made during the night: “I am going to make our country rich again”.

Notably absent from Trump’s lengthy address were the standard Republican promises to outlaw abortion, bring back school prayer or define marriage as a union between a man and a woman. Ted Cruz’s dramatic refusal to endorse him from the convention stage. Ten-year-old Barron arrived on Thursday, watching from the VIP box.

For three days running the convention’s intended message of the day got sideswiped by unwelcome developments – a biting if short-lived scrap over rules during the opening, a storm over plagiarism in Melania Trump’s speech that spilled into Wednesday, then Cruz’s performance from the stage.

But comments by Trump to the New York Times raised fresh questions about his commitment to automatically defend fellow North Atlantic Treaty Organisation members if they were attacked.

Trump did not explicitly blame President George W. Bush, but he criticized American foreign policy that led to “15 years of wars”.

Trump’s past statements on women in the workplace have included calling pregnancy “an inconvenience” and telling a voter in New Hampshire previous year that women will receive the same pay as men “if they do as good a job”.

“Hillary Clinton’s legacy does not have to be America’s legacy”, he will say according to excerpts released by the campaign.

Other candidates spent money to buy advertising during the primary elections.

The last several days have made that effort more hard.

Thursday’s festivities kicked off with a more energized mood. The remarks, in an interview with The New York Times, deviated from decades of USA foreign policy doctrine and seemed to suggest he would put new conditions on the 67-year-old alliance’s bedrock principle of collective defense.

She said the nominee is “incapable of thinking small”.

Trump and his allies also sought to minimize the import of Cruz’s snub, portraying it as an instance of classlessness and political expedience. “Literally no fans, no friends”.


But at the close of the fourday convention here in OH, the candidate failed to meaningfully unite the GOP, with his chief rival from the primary campaign, Sen. The crowd started chanting, “Trump!”.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump listens at left as Al Baldasaro a New Hampshire state representative speaks during a news conference in New York