
Trump, Who Deferred Draft Five Times, Says He Always Wanted Purple Heart

A man Donald Trump introduced as retired Lt. Col. Louis Dorfman presented the Republican presidential nominee with his Purple Heart before a rally Tuesday in Virginia. He said he has always wanted one and this was an easy way to get it. He said the veteran assured him that the medal was real, saying, “I have such confidence in you”. Understandably, he has since received yet another round of backlash, particularly from veterans and Purple Heart recipients who clearly don’t support Trump for president. And he said that’s my real purple heart.


“Man, that’s like big stuff”, Mr. Trump said.

He said that when he asked the man if it was a real award or a copy, the man confirmed it was his real Purple Heart medal. “This was much easier”, continued the celebrity businessman, who has never served in the armed forces.

Lt. Col. Louis Dorfman extended the gift to Trump on August 2 during a rally in Ashburn, Virginia.

The controversy took on an added edge when the New York Times published on Monday a story detailing Trump’s five draft deferments he received during the Vietnam War. Trump, citing his business record, also said he believes he has “made a lot of sacrifices”.

“We’re going to have more than $35 million”, in donations from close to 60,000 people that averages $61 dollars each, Trump detailed about his fundraising during his campaign rally in Virginia on Tuesday morning.

The Purple Heart is awarded exclusively to service members injured in combat. “You escaped. You dodged the draft”, Khan said. I showed – I had two Purple Hearts with me.

Khan criticized Trump at last week’s Democratic National Convention, spurring Trump to lash out at Khan and his wife over the weekend.

Barney, a Democratic congressional candidate from DE, blasted Trump for his “flippant and repugnant” comments. “To me, a Purple Heart is sacred for what it represents and should not be given to anyone who didn’t deserve one”. His campaign later said he suffered from the temporary malady in both.

Gold Star military father Khizr Khan lit into Donald Trump again on Tuesday over the Republican presidential nominee’s actions at a campaign rally earlier in the day.


Trump still appeared to be joking. It was unclear if the child’s mother left the room or if the child just fell silent.

Veteran gives Donald Trump Purple Heart at VA campaign rally