
Trump will directly address black voters, top aide says

Trump has recently attempted to enlarge his tiny base of support among blacks – it has been as low as 1 percent – arguing that African Americans have “nothing to lose” by voting for him.


Trump’s strategy for luring black voters into his orbit involved mocking their schools, denigrating their neighborhoods, and citing inaccurate statistics on the impact of youth unemployment.

“In this task, we will always err on the side of protecting the American people – we will use immigration law to prevent crimes, and will not wait until some innocent American has been harmed or killed before taking action”, he said.

Pence said Trump has to battle Clinton and the media on the campaign trail as the mainstream press ignore the “cascade of controversies and questionable conduct that flows out of the Clinton years”. National Policy Institute president Richard Spencer, for instance, said in an interview with BuzzFeed that while he sees Trump as being good for his think tank’s cause, he would be “off the train” if he ends up allowing “millions of Hispanics” to stay in the US regardless of their citizenship. He is only changing his language because unlike Ann Coulter, Donald Trump can not get away with saying these stupidly racist things on the air every day and still hope to have a successful career.

When asked to elaborate on the allegation, he said Clinton’s policies “are bigoted because she knows they’re not going to work”.

Trump actually overtook Clinton after the Republican National Convention, but it turned out to be short lived.

He did not explain how his plan would affect numerous illegal community who have been in the United States for decades and obeyed U.S. laws.

“Republicans are off the wall”, Hillary Clinton supporter Reggie Sims said. “We need something better for those who want to come here legally”.

“We will have a strong border and we’ll have a tremendous wall, a wall that Mexico pays for”, Trump told CNN.

Giving in to the persistent urging of party leaders, Trump has begun relying more on a TelePrompter, allowing for fewer troublesome off-the-cuff remarks.

Pence continued to attack the Democratic nominee for her record and foreign policy experience.

Trump is now a full 10 percentage points behind Clinton in the latest national poll, with the Democratic nominee above 50 percent support.

“This week the curtain was truly lifted”, he said”.

Meanwhile, Trump continues to send mixed signals on immigration. More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money, either personally or through companies or groups, to the Clinton Foundation.


Ann Coulter has a new book out this week singing the praises of Donald Trump.

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