
Trump will give rescheduled speech on illegal immigration on Wednesday in Arizona

It’s been a long and sometimes puzzling journey to this point for Trump, who defeated 16 Republican opponents while promising to be the toughest on illegal immigration. “And his position and his principles have been absolutely consistent”. Nothing’s ever going to happen.


That stance had aroused criticism from conservatives who wanted him to stand fast after he won the Republican presidential nomination in large part with a hard-line position that called for building a wall along the USA border with Mexico.

“We can continue with the leadership that has left us with unsafe streets in our cities, failing schools, no jobs”, he said. Trump has previously vowed to deport all of the nation’s approximately 11 million undocumented immigrants. He suggested that maybe people who’ve been in this country for years should be allowed to stay if they pay back taxes.

Added Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway: “The softening is more approach than policy”, adding that on immigration, Trump “wants to find a fair and humane way”. “Is that policy still operative?” He said he loves Trump’s “attitude”.

In another tweet on Sunday night, Trump said both he and Hillary Clinton, his Democratic rival for the November 8 election, should release detailed medical records.

“I – when I was in Iowa, I met with Sarah Root’s family”.

Once the initial deportations of undocumented workers who are criminals occur, he said, “then we can talk”.

Thursday’s shopworn accusations of racism on the part of Trump supporters came from a candidate whose political party went to war to preserve slavery; founded the Ku Klux Klan; passed Jim Crow Laws; is beholden to Planned Parenthood, which makes millions every year by aborting black babies; keeps poor black kids trapped in shoddy schools; and supports an amnesty agenda that will devastate the black worker. “You are not saying that”. “I just can’t”, he said.

“You see a CEO at work”, Pence said.

“I can relate to it”, he says.

At a Fox News town hall tall taping last week, in the face of pressing questions, he proceeded to poll the audience at length on the fate of an estimated 11 million people.

“Donald Trump has not held an event in the black community”, DNC interim chairwoman Donna Brazile said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week”.

While not as blatant as the now-unenforceable restrictive covenants that stained the deeds of the homes in my Charlotte neighborhood, the coded “C” for “colored” on applications for apartments at Trump properties in NY sent a definite message that the African-Americans Trump is courting get loud and clear.

“You got a family in OH, that the dad is working two jobs and mom has a side job and they’re trying to make ends meet. We thought it was a very good gesture of him to try to come into our community and explain to us his policies”.

When asked by CNN’s Anderson Cooper whether he would deport undocumented immigrants who lived in the U.S. peacefully but without papers, Trump said: “There is a very good chance the answer could be yes”.

Donald Trump says he’ll deliver a detailed speech on his proposal to crack down on illegal immigration on Wednesday in Arizona – but it’s anyone’s guess what he might say. On the immigration question, her greatest wish is for Trump to build a wall with Mexico.

“Obviously people are telling him that he has to come more to the middle to not offend young white women like you, who are college-educated and just think he’s an evil man”, Delaberta says. “He is hearing from all sides”.


It takes a lot of nerve to ask people he’s ignored and mistreated for decades, “What do you have to lose?” He will stand on the principles that have underpinned his commitment to end illegal immigration in this country.

Donald Trump Vows To Begin Deportations'On Day One If Sworn In