
Trump will meet with black pastors, forgoes press conference after

After they objected, the Trump campaign chose to keep the meeting private and quietly canceled a press conference afterward meant to announce their support.


Trump told “Meet the Press” that “we’re looking for other articles and we’re looking for other clips and I wouldn’t be surprised if we found them”, he said.

“I do think pressure was put on them by people who may disagree with certain things”, added Trump, who said he has “a great relationship with the black pastors”. “You tell me, is that right?”

Republican US presidential frontrunner Donald Trump on Sunday refused to take back claims he saw Muslims cheering in New Jersey after the September 11, 2001 attacks, despite a lack of proof.

Trump’s campaign has been unable to produce video footage of the supposed celebrations and the Washington Post reporter who authored a story that Trump has used to corroborate the event has denied he saw any evidence of such celebrations.

The choice between Trump and a Democrat is clearly one both men hope they never have to make, but taking a stand on the issue now could help prevent the thought experiment from becoming reality. Trump also said he supported the idea of requiring all Muslims living in the United States to register in a special database as a counter-terrorism measure.

“I gave tens and tens of millions of dollars to [help people with disabilities…]”.

“It’s a miscommunication, ” said Darrell Scott, the senior pastor of New Spirit Revival Center in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, who helped to organize the meeting scheduled for Monday afternoon in NY, said Sunday night. “Now people mock me with my hair, but it’s fine”. As well as Trump’s almost hour long address, the crowd heard from a variety of colorful Trump supporters before he spoke, and children were given helicopter rides outside. He’s leading in every state poll I’ve seen. “You know, because I think Bush, whether you like Bush or not, you would think he has an advantage because he’s from a family that’s been involved”.

“This is the pattern perhaps of an entertainer”, she said.

“Sometimes, Trump gets a little over the top”. I saw it and so many people saw it, Chuck.

Kovaleski has said he and Trump were on a first-name basis for years and the mogul knows who he is. He then departed in the Trump helicopter.


While those outside listened to audio of his speech, children were given helicopter rides. Mr. Trump’s attempt in and of itself is honorable. But at the weekend rally in Sarasota, Florida, Trump took it a step further.

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