
Trump wins Nevada Republican caucuses

What’s more, SC and Nevada Republican voters did not sort out the second place spot. Ted Cruz closely followed in third. Winning one or more of them is possible. Meanwhile, Rubio touted his establishment candidacy for a general election win.


The Republican state office said it has received no official complaints.

Trump then quickly ran through a litany of his campaign proposals. There are no signs that any of the non-Trump candidates plan to drop out anytime soon. Nevada raises more questions about his viability.

No Republican has ever lost the nomination after winning both New Hampshire and SC. Trump won again, drawing further ahead in the delegate race. Eight delegates were still left to be allocated.

Marco Rubio may end up finishing second to Trump, but the reality is that there is a lot of daylight between Trump and Rubio. And with his eye on Rubio and Ohio Gov. John Kasich, Trump also noted he’s on top of polls in Florida and Ohio, which hold their primaries on March 15. A total of 1,237 delegates are needed to nominate.

Nate Silver’s site, which specializes in analyzing opinion polls, estimates that Trump is likely to win the GOP primary on Tuesday, but his lead over his opponents depends on what you’re taking into account.

Early entrance poll data indicated that 32 percent of Republican caucus-goers identified as white evangelicals, and 38 percent said they were at least 65 years old, according to NBC News.

On the Democrat side, impatient voters have rallied around Vermont senator Bernie Sanders, a democratic socialist, who has put up a strong challenge to front-runner and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. Count Tracy Brigida, fed up after her husband was laid off from his mining job, among those caucusing for Trump. He said he wants Mexico to pay for it.

Trump’s Nevada victory came days after he handily took SC on Saturday. “If we don’t come together, we’re never going to be able to provide a clear alternative to the direction that Donald Trump wants to take the Republican Party and the country”.


The other states are Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Vermont, and Virginia. “Why is there one standard for me, and not for everybody else?”

Trump projected to win Nevada GOP caucus: NBC News