
Trump won’t rule out independent run for president

Trump and other GOP candidates have signed pledges saying they promise to forgo independent campaigns and support the eventual GOP nominee.


In yet another controversial jibe, Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump has said women in the Islamic world like wearing burqas because it is easier as they do not have to wear makeup.

And when asked if he would consider a third-party run if rumors that GOP officials are planning to unite donors against him prove true, the candidate said he wouldn’t rule it out. “They use chopping off people’s heads”. If I’m treated fairly, I’m fine.

Trump also said he does not want to close any mosques in the United States but he does want to put them under surveillance.

“I definitely want a database and other checks and balances”, he reiterated.

“I don’t want Syrian refugees to come here now because we don’t know who they are”, Kasich said.

Donald Trump’s waterfall of regurgitated chatter continued on Sunday, with quips about Muslim databases, 9/11, and bringing back water-boarding.

“I would bring it back, yes”, Mr. Trump said.

He suggested that his lead in the polls, unshaken by disparaging remarks he’s made about ethnic groups or his lack of specifics on foreign policy, has vexed the Republican party.

On Hillary Clinton, Trump said, “I mean, Hillary is a person who doesn’t have the strength or the stamina, in my opinion, to be President”.

Ohio Governor John Kasich, appearing on NBC’s “Meet the Press”, continued his days-long attack against Trump’s database comments, calling the idea nonsense.

The first reference to a database came in a Trump interview with Yahoo News published Thursday when he was asked about requiring Muslims to register in a database or carry a form of special identification noting their religion. “I want surveillance of certain mosques, OK”.

Trump said: “George, it did happen”.


Trump was also questioned Sunday about whether he would favor banning people on terrorist watch lists from obtaining firearms, to which he responded, “If somebody is on a watch list and an enemy of state and we know it’s an enemy of state, I would keep them away, absolutely”. Asked if there should be a database system for tracking Muslims in the USA, Trump said, “There should be a lot of systems, beyond databases”.

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