
Tuesday letters: Disabilities law has transformed lives

We hear about the impact the law has had here in Mid-Michigan in the past 25 years. She would have to adapt to life in a wheelchair, but it didn’t deter her dreams. As we commemorate this historic legislation, we must also recognize that many barriers to equality persist for people with disabilities, and that many Americans continue to live excluded from public life and opportunity. “I’m very proud of myself. They have transformed a disabling environment perpetuated by public and private entities into an enabling one”, said TCRP attorney Joe Berra.


On May 29, 2014, then-Gov. “Today, millions of Americans living with disabilities are able to successfully obtain employment, utilize transportation services, engage in recreational activities and generally enjoy a life of freedom”. “It’s a way of describing how active people with disabilities are in the labor market”, said Andrew Houtenville of the University of New Hampshire Institute of Disability, which conducted the survey.

Salovitz v. MOQUI, LLC – Popular food truck, East Side King, which is owned by season 9 Top Chef victor Paul Qui, has fenced off its order window and takes food orders from atop concrete steps that are not accessible to people with mobility disabilities. “Children did not have the right to be integrated into our school systems”.

“There are accommodations needed for them”, he said.

Tom Harkin, a Democratic Senator from Iowa, introduced legislation that ultimately became the ADA in 1988. Hockenberry began using a wheelchair after a vehicle accident in 1976.

As indicated by a press release from, President Obama told the audience, “Thanks to the ADA, the places that comprise our shared American life…they truly belong to everyone”. “Work. & Play.”, trips to the muni’s inaccessible playgrounds left Boltz unsure of how true that was.

“In the exhibit we highlight several types of documents and it really gives you kind of a boots on the ground illustration of how this stuff is done in Washington and in Kansas”, said Coleman. “We’ll continue for the next 25 years if necessary to ensure equal access for all”, echoed Ms. Watkins. The result was Anchorage’s first fully accessible playground at Cuddy Family Midtown Park.

“We had a lot of people commenting about progress that has been made and where additional work remains”, said Mikesic.

That support extends into Anchorage’s new administration under Mayor Ethan Berkowitz. “But now that campus is accessible from one end to the other. And a law isn’t going to change those attitudinal barriers”.

“He got a big grin on his face and he said ‘I got to tell Joe, ‘” Williams laughed.

“It’s more trouble to file a lawsuit, but it gets the attention of the business”.

The positive effects of ADA are felt in many places, not only at the Library.

The ADA Legacy Bus drove awareness of the disability rights movement over 22,000 miles, across 30 states and to100 cities by the ADA anniversary. That law and subsequent amendments, a few of which responded to Supreme Court rulings that restricted enforcement of the 1990 act, define disabilities as physical or mental impairments that limit “caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, seeing, hearing, eating, sleeping, walking, standing, lifting, bending, speaking, breathing, learning, reading, concentrating, thinking, communicating and working”. “So that’s been exciting, and it’s good to see”. “Even 25 years down the road it’s an ongoing process of education”.


Heumann, who went to Long Island University in the 1960s, says that she faced similar challenges. “And we don’t want that”.

By Ernie Smith  Jul 29 2015