
Tumblr to launch live video with an hour of wacky streams

Twitter has Periscope. Amazon has Twitch.


Each update shows an upcoming time on June 21 and a brief description of what Tumblr will be streaming then.

While this may be another way bloggers can connect with the Tumblr community, is it a bit too late, and is this really the right place for live videos?

The programs appear to be part of a Tumblr power hour between 4pm and 5pm ET, which is presumably when the company will take the wraps off its live video service.

In addition, Live Video On Tumblr, as the service has been named, will offer a user-facing feature enabling anyone to broadcast, reports Techcrunch, which confirmed that the page represents an official effort by Tumblr as opposed to a third-party creation.

The challenge was underscored in Monday’s deadly attack on a policeman and his wife in France in which the killer posted on Facebook a live 13-minute video of himself with the victim’s child in which he admitted the murders and urged fellow jihadists to carry out more bloodshed.

However, Tumblr has yet to formally announce any official details about its forthcoming live video offering. The platform doesn’t really seem suited for live videos the way many might be used to the way Facebook has Live set up with users able to comment and react, and the broadcaster seeing how many views and comments there are in real-time.

Facebook’s live-streaming feature allows anyone to broadcast online in real time. Tumblr gave its video functionality a big revamp two years ago, but it’s still pretty slow compared to its competitors. There’s also the more concerning problem of live videos that depict crimes in progress. The company plans to introduce a larger strategy for real-time content on Tuesday.


Earlier today, the launch of Live Video on Tumblr was suggested by TechCrunch to be coming as early as Tuesday of this week.

Watch: Chicago man shot dead in Facebook live video