
Turkey Migration Summit May Take Place in Late November

“It was decided that there will be a European Council with Turkey invited”, Hollande told reporters after a meeting of EU leaders here.


“I believe the task that is crystallizing is that we have a common responsibility for refugees from war”, she said, adding there would probably be more than one meeting with Turkey but that this kind of summit would not become a regular format.

The White House said both men discussed “the situation in Syria and the importance of expanding joint efforts to strengthen the moderate Syrian opposition and step up pressure against” the self-proclaimed Islamic State.

Turkey, which has spent about $8.5 billion since 2011 supporting more than two million Syrian refugees, would be asked to take further measures to reduce the number of people trying to reach Europe.

Aware of Europe’s weak bargaining position with Erdogan following his party’s convincing election victory this month, a few national governments are wary of rushing to satisfy a demand of the Turkish leader for higher-level contacts.

“This is about showing to Turkey that they are equal partners”, the source said.

The executive Commission proposed paying 500 million euros from the European Union budget and asking member states for the rest.

At the same time, EU President Jean-Claude Juncker will discuss developments with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on the sidelines of the G-20 Summit to be held in the southern province of Antalya on November 15 and 16. “This includes, first and foremost, restoring external border control”.

A lack of response to a call for personnel has been among factors slowing plans to tighten checks on those arriving and to relocate asylum-seekers from Italy and Greece.


“We should change the language of discussions and not consider migration a positive thing because it is totally against the impression of the European citizens”.

Important talks Turkey's president Recep Tayyip Erdogan greets Prime Minister David Cameron as the latter arrives today for the G20 summit in Antalya Turkey