
Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan to visit Pakistan tomorrow

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will meet Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during the later’s stopover at Islamabad on Saturday (tomorrow), while on his way back to home from Indonesia, an official statement said on Friday.


Qazi Khalilullah said Pakistan deeply appreciates the personal contribution to the growth and expansion of Pakistan-Turkey relations under the sagacious leadership of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

He said Turkey will boost cooperation with China and will not allow strategic cooperation with China be affected by ill-minded forces.

Xi noted that both countries have set bold goals for the upcoming centenaries, and suggested they should cooperate to achieve them.

The year 2023 will meanwhile mark 100 years since the Republic of Turkey was established.

The two sides also vowed to enhance their trade and economic ties.

He highlighted high-speed railways, new energy, aviation, finance and investment as particular areas of opportunity. CCTV America’s Michal Bardavid explored how the project was perceived in Turkey.Cenk Sidar has more on the importance of the Turkish President’s visit to China.


The Chinese president said China stands ready to link the Belt and Road initiatives with Turkey’s development strategy in pursuit of common prosperity.

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