
Turnbull Sworn In As Australian Prime Minister

Deputy Opposition Leader Tanya Plibersek grilled Turnbull on his position in Question Time yesterday, challenging him on the grounds that a multi-party marriage equality bill is already before the House of Representatives and could be voted on – and passed – nearly immediately if Turnbull gave the word.


Australia’s newest prime minister is a self-made multi-millionaire who has strong links with the business community, progressive views for his conservative party and a level of public popularity of which the man he toppled could only dream.

It is not known whether Mr Abbott will be offered a ministry in Mr Turnbull’s cabinet, which is expected to be announced this weekend, or retire to the backbench.

Mr Shorten said on Thursday a drover’s dog could have polled well following two years of Mr Abbott’s leadership.

‘If we are re-elected to government, every single Australian will have a say’ .

Australian Marriage Equality national director, Rodney Croome, said: “The Senate report makes it clear that the quickest, cheapest, least divisive and most appropriate way to deal with marriage equality is through a cross-party free vote on the floor of parliament”.

Mr Turnbull remained tight-lipped about his cabinet and said he had spoken to Mr Abbott but the former leader had not revealed whether he intended to stay on as an MP.

“He led us out of opposition and back into government”.

‘People have taken the news of having a new prime minister very well, ‘ he told reporters.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was accused of “mansplaining” in Question Time on Wednesday – which clearly baffled a number of government ministers. Mr Abbott was widely criticised for including only two women in his 19-member Cabinet – Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Health Minister Sussan Ley.


The article highlighted global media reactions to the leadership change, including the explanations of jokes about Tony Abbott like #putoutyouronions and a misprint of Tony Abbott’s name by the United Kingdom’s The Independent newspaper, which called him “Paul Abbott”. “The prime minister of Australia is not a president”. His three immediate predecessors, including Mr Abbott, were ousted by their own parties.

NewsBreaking News Malcolm Turnbull Mogul With Jewish Roots Is New Australia Premier