
Turnbull Sworn in as New Australia PM

Abbott lashed out at the savage nature of modern politics after his sudden toppling by his long-time Liberal Party colleague and rival – who served as communications minister before making Monday’s challenge.


“I care about getting a good deal for regional Australia, and I support a Prime Minister who can achieve that”, he said.

“I’m filled with optimism and we will be setting out in the weeks ahead… more of those foundations that will ensure our prosperity in the years ahead”, he said.

Climate campaigners are urging Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to take a more aggressive stance on climate policy but early signs are they will be disappointed.

“I don’t know exactly what it is apart perhaps from something in Canberra’s water, but it is an unusual turn of events for a large, developed country like Australia to have such a rapid change in Prime Ministers and no Prime Minister serving out their full parliamentary term”.

Mr Kerr said new Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull may be more articulate and optimistic than his predecessor but the content was still the same.

Shortly before Turnbull was sworn in, Abbott spoke for the first time since his sudden ouster, warning that the persistent volatility in Australia’s government could hurt the nation’s standing on the global stage. The net satisfaction of Abbott’s Government declined steadily immediately after his assumption of office, with no major recovery, with his personal captaining style being a constant topic of discontent, both outside and inside the Party.

However, Turnbull’s support for a carbon trading scheme, gay marriage, and an Australian republic have made him unpopular with his party’s right wing.

According to Guardian, the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry urged the new Australian PM, Turnbull to continue with efforts to fix government finances, undertake tax reforms and advance free trade. He said he was “very sensitive” when the Labor leader’s mother passed away, and said today was a “tough day” for him and his family.

A Liberal frontbencher says it wasn’t a mistake to stick by Tony Abbott, as he waits to see if he is staying in the ministry.

Political pundits have suggested Social Services Minister Scott Morrison might become the new treasurer.


Ms McGowan highlighted one of Mr Turnbull’s promises for continued growth opportunities and jobs for Australians in his address to the nation, as one of the main areas important to Indi.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during House of Representatives question time at Parliament House