
Turning Point, one of Star Wars: Battlefront’s new “Battle of Jakku” modes

Hopefully, this goes beyond the free Battle of Jakku content coming in early December (December 1 for pre-order peeps and December 8 for everyone else).


DICE should look at adding another free map and mode or two besides their season pass. Maybe give us more maps inspired by The Force Awakens. The new mode that will come with the new content is dubbed as Turning Point, IGN reported. It sounds like a variation on the existing Supremacy mode, where Rebels need to capture three control points that are already in Imperial hands. Once a base is captured more time will be added on the clock for the Rebels to capture the others, with the difficulty increasing with each base. The end goal is to capture the Empire’s third base “where the final stand will take place”.

Last week saw the release of the highly anticipated Star Wars Battlefront on the PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Alongside this announcement, EA are holding a Battle of Jakku: Live from London event on the EA Star Wars Twitch account on Monday 30 November, beginning at 7PM GMT.

“We wanted to portray a battle completely surrounding you, in every direction”.

Turning Point is a welcome and much-needed addition to Star Wars Battlefront. Pitting Imperials against Rebels, Turning Point differs in that once Rebels capture a point, it can’t be turned back.

Aside from this brand new landscape, the Turning Point mode will also be introduced in the upcoming pack. The Rebels in turn need to decide where their next attack should be. Airspeeders will, however, be on the offence, offering supporting fire to Rebel team mates.


Even more good news is that more free content will arrive in the coming months, in the form of new maps and Star Cards, so there will be more than just paid DLCs for the Star Wars Battlefront fans. But the overall success of a title is not only measured in the splash it made during its release, but the way it’s able to sustain the player’s interest and the development of the game.

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