
Twitter co-founder Evan Williams’ account hacked

Hackers briefly took over the Facebook founder’s Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram accounts, all using information reportedly hacked from the massive LinkedIn breach.


Earlier this week, CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg’s Pinterest and Twitter accounts were hacked. The group is now posting on Twitter via a backup account.

The hackers tweeted from Zuckerberg’s Twitter account and changed the title of his Pinterest page.

OurMine is the same group that took credit for hacking Zuckerberg’s accounts.

Twitter said it does not comment on individual accounts, but noted in a statement: “A number of other online services have seen millions of passwords stolen in the past several weeks”.

Though Twitter has been the medium affected to date, everyone is reminded to follow the practice of using stronger and unique passwords for their online accounts and use different ones to avoid such inconvenience. They include those of singers Drake and Katy Perry, and the National Football League (NFL).

Brute force attack tries random strings of alphabets and numbers to guess your password. A Twitter spokesperson stated that it has been checking its data with the information that has been shared from recent password leaks.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg may be considered as the king of social media since the 32-year-old billionaire co-founded the popular social networking website.


One of the hackers allegedly said that they were able to breach his accounts because his password is the same as his LinkedIn profile. Of course, it should also not be one of the single most common passwords in use: password. If rumors doing rounds are anything to go by, the 2012 hacker (who is popularly known as “Peace”) is selling the hijacked account data on the dark Web for about $2,923 (five bitcoin), PCMag reported. His LinkedIn account was hacked by the Hackers according to the source.
