
Twitter disruption silences swaths of US, Europe for hours

“We are aware of the issue and are working towards a resolution”, the company stated this morning.


Earlier in the day, users said the service was not accessible on desktop computers. As BBC Technology writes, the outage would be particularly problematic for companies looking for data insights during the outage, as Twitter’s application program interface was also experiencing issues.

Although no explanations were given, the outage was fixed for most of the users across the world, particularly in United Kingdom, France and Germany, where the outages were most pronounced. Third-party Twitter services such as Tweetbot were also affected by the outage. “I had to go on Facebook to make fun of the people on Facebook”.

To not have this medium means that real-time occurrences have no place; many online users would never think to Facebook status something they may have tweeted.

Almost half of the users (46 percent) complained about problems accessing Twitter via its Web site. Meanwhile, in an ironic turn of events, the hashtag #twitterdown is trending on twitter.

According to the website Down Detector, which tracks outages on major websites, the issue began at around 8.30am, with the number of reported problems from users rising rapidly.

Tech news website re/code reported this month that tweets of up to 10,000 characters could be available from March, winning a mixed response from users.

Twitter’s stock has tumbled more than 28 per cent in January, following a 35 per cent decline in 2015.


Twitter’s developer-facing monitoring showed that 4 out of 5 of the company’s public APIs were experiencing “service disruption”.

Twitter users in northern Europe hit by site outage