
Twitter Erupts Over Donald Trump’s Embrace of Daughter Ivanka at RNC

As the crowd roared: “Lock her up”, Trump waved them off and said: “Let’s defeat her in November”.


“I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican – in that order”. Some senior figures who dislike Donald Trump have stayed away, including two ex-presidents named Bush, former nominee Mitt Romney and Ohio Governor John Kasich.

“‘Americanism, Not Globalism’ will be our credo”, said Trump, whose rise has jolted the American political system. He accused President Barack Obama of inflaming racial tensions rather than calming them.

Said Trump: “I only want to admit individuals into our country who will support our values and love our people”.

She praised him as a “fighter” who got better and became stronger through the “tough” primary race in which he was facing 16 other candidates.

In his speech, Mr Trump offered little in the way of details about his policies but rather portrayed himself as a fresh alternative to traditional politicians, willing to consider new approaches to vexing problems and help working-class people who might feel abandoned. It’s a clusterfuck because the Trump campaign has made it so. He blamed her for the rise of Islamic State militants and blasted her willingness to accept thousands of Syrian refugees. He also disavowed America’s foreign policy posture under both Democratic and Republican presidents, criticizing “fifteen years of wars in the Middle East” and declaring that “Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo”. “This is the legacy of Hillary Clinton: death, destruction, terrorism and weakness”, he said.

He needs a post-convention bounce in public opinion polls to remain competitive with Clinton, who will be in the spotlight next week in Philadelphia for the Democratic National Convention.

He also spoke about reforming the American economy and spoke as an outsider, saying Ms Clinton would keep the country on the same path. On the other side, Hillary Clinton took to Twitter and wrote: “Vote your conscience” using Cruz’ words against him. Someone who believes that “meetings” will bring the Kurds and the Turkish government together (they won’t), someone who thinks that Putin is being “very complimentary” (he isn’t, and that wouldn’t be a good thing), someone who appears occasionally incapable of speaking in complete sentences. He also vowed to protect gays and lesbians from violence and oppression, a pledge that was greeted with applause from the crowd.

I have a message for all of you: the crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end.

“Beginning on 20 January, 2017, safety will be restored”.

“I have a message to every last person threatening the peace on our streets and the safety of our police: when I take the oath of office next year, I will restore law and order our country”.

He repeated common controversial themes of his bruising primary campaign – banning foreigners from countries linked to terrorism, building a wall on the Mexican border and renegotiating unfavourable trade deals with China.

Following the line of most convention speakers so far this week, Trump will describe America as a nation in crisis. All those positions go against prevailing Republican beliefs.

DONALD TRUMP: Lyin’ Ted Cruz.


Quote of the day “I’m not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father” – Ted Cruz at a morning-after briefing explaining his refusal to endorse Trump in his convention speech on Wednesday night.

Ted Cruz